10 Remedies For Diabetic Foot Infections

Diabetic foot infections are very painful.  They are one of the leading causes behind lower limb amputations.

When the tissues or skin of the extremities become infected in people who have diabetes, the results can be serious.

The microvascular circulation in people with diabetes is affected, which causes an ulcer to form if the infection is not treated properly.

This causes the systematic response to inflammation syndrome to develop. The body no longer takes over the affected area and amputation is the only option.

There are formal treatments for diabetic foot infections, but because they are not always effective, many people turn to natural remedies that have fewer side effects.

If this is your case, here is an interesting list that can be very helpful.

Remedies for diabetic foot infections

1. Caffeinecaifa for diabetic foot infections

Variations in the base level of minerals in your body can contribute to how often you get infections.

When you have Magnesium deficiency can lead to poor management of diabetes and your immune system is weaker than usual, allowing infections to cause deep wounds.

All you have to do is include foods rich in magnesium to your diet. Among them we find:

  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Black beans
  • Dark chocolate
  • Avocados
  • Bananas

8. Soy

The benefits of soy-based products have been known for a long time.

When it comes to stimulating your blood flow, a soya blend jengibr and it can do wonders for your circulatory system.

This is important when it comes to diabetic foot infections.

The immunizing compounds will not reach your feet if the blood flows poorly.

9. Zinc

The first line of defense against any infection is your immune system.

Without him zinc your body would not be able to produce the antibodies and other compounds that fight to keep you healthy.

This mineral also accelerates the recovery and healing of ulcers , which hinders the formation of infections.

10. Psyllium


It is commonly used to improve the health and well-being of people when they have diabetes.

Thanks to its properties it can help you regulate both glucose and insulin and bring many of the side effects of diabetes under control.

All of this helps greatly reduce your chance of foot infections and ulcers.

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