10 Symptoms That Show That You Have Calcium Deficiency

Although we only associate it only with bones and teeth, the truth is that calcium participates in many other functions in the body, so it is essential keep your levels stable.

It is very important to attend to a possible calcium deficiency in the body. In that case, we should incorporate foods that contain it into the diet or through supplements.

As we know that many do not know what are the symptoms that alert the deficiency of this mineral, below we want to reveal the 8 most common. Discover them!

What is the importance of calcium?

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for health, as indicated by data from the Office of Dietary Supplements – NIH.  It plays a major role in the formation of bones, teeth, and various complex tissues in the body.

It is estimated that 99% is found in the bone system and teeth.  This mineral is responsible for giving them density and strength. In addition, it is proven that it is also necessary for the nervous system, blood, neurons and all cells of the body.

What can be the symptoms of a calcium deficiency?

Woman with flu pain

1. Bone weakness

Calcium deficiency often causes a weakening of the skeletal system. This, if not treated in time, increases the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

This is because the body absorbs calcium from the bones to carry out cell function and other vital tasks. Over time,  the bones decrease in density and become susceptible to various diseases.

2. Weak teeth

As we mentioned before, calcium is one of the most important minerals for the formation and strengthening of teeth. Its deficiency leads to a malformation in the teeth of minors.

Additionally, calcium deficiency also increases the risk of oral problems in adults. Therefore, it is an essential mineral at any age.

3. Frequent illnesses

People with calcium deficiency tend to have the lowest defenses. This implies a  higher risk of respiratory diseases and infections, since your immune system is weakened.

In addition, this mineral is one of the most alkaline. In this sense, it plays a very important role in the correct oxygenation of cells.

4. Muscle cramps

One of the most common symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body is continuous muscle cramps. These are produced by an overload of tasks on the muscles. Lacking the mineral, muscles have a hard time staying strong.

In general, the pain increases when performing daily movements, almost always physically demanding. If these occur continuously in the thighs, calves and arms, try to increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium.

5. Insomnia

Woman with insomnia and clock.

Do you suffer from insomnia? The decrease in the levels of this mineral also have a lot to do with the disorders that prevent you from resting well.

Sleep interruptions and difficulties sleeping at the usual time may be warning that the body needs this nutrient. However, many other factors can play a role.

6. High blood pressure

If you suffer from hypertension you should take this information into account. An imbalance in calcium levels can also influence the increase in blood pressure.

Although many factors affect this, it is proven that low calcium levels can cause complications. Therefore, always keep this mineral in mind.

7. Menstrual cramps

Premenstrual syndrome or menstrual cramps usually vary in each woman and almost always have their origin in hormonal issues. However, in certain cases they are the result of a deficient calcium intake in the regular diet.

It is proven that women who consume the necessary amounts of this mineral can reduce episodes of pain, inflammation, anxiety and fluid retention. This would also avoid analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

8. Difficulty losing weight

Although we ignore the importance of this nutrient, experts point out that it also participates in the regulation of metabolism. In this sense, it influences body weight.

Adequate levels of calcium make it easier to lose weight. At the same time, they decrease the accumulation of body fat.

9. Dry skin and weak nails

Woman with dry skin on her face.

Do you have dry skin or weak nails? Since it participates directly in the processes of cell regeneration, calcium is necessary for a correct restoration of the skin and nails.

Having a calcium deficiency can cause dryness, cracking, staining, and other disturbances that are considered unsightly. Therefore, it will not always be enough to use cosmetic products.

10. Hair disorders

Do you have problems with your hair? Excessive hair loss and dry scalp can be indicative of a deficiency of important nutrients like calcium.

Although hair loss can occur due to multiple factors, it is good to consider that it may be the lack of this mineral. Therefore, a balanced diet will be the best for your mane.

What are the foods that help prevent a calcium deficiency?

In order not to suffer the consequences of the lack of this mineral in the body, remember to regularly add foods such as:

  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish.
  • Nuts.
  • Orange juice.
  • Rice milk
  • Vegetables (broccoli, kale, cabbage, spinach, and other leafy greens).

Finally, if you think you are not absorbing the necessary amount, consult your doctor for a prescription for supplements.

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