12 Fabulous Tricks So That Your Shoes Don’t Cause You Pain

Most of us have experienced pain from shoes that we love, but are too uncomfortable.

Their material of manufacture, the design and the accessories they contain often determine how comfortable or uncomfortable they will be when used.

The problem is that we cannot always identify what will cause us problems since, sometimes, with the first laying there is no difficulty.

For this reason, it is good to know some tricks to mold them to our feet, even when their size or shape has been altered.

Next we give you the 12 simplest so that you do not think that you should put them aside.


1. Use double socks

Use double sock

When your shoes are a bit tight and you feel uncomfortable wearing them, the solution is to wear thick double socks for several minutes a day.

Put your feet in tight shoes, walk for several minutes and, after a few days, you will feel that they are more spacious and comfortable.

2. Ice bag


The ice pack trick has become very popular for its ability to enlarge shoes that are too narrow.

Fill a bag with water, put it inside your tight shoes, and put them in the freezer overnight.

When the water in the bag freezes, the shoes will expand and are easier to use.

3. Spray hair spray


So that your feet do not slip inside the shoe as a result of sweat, take a little hairspray and spray it all over the inside, without getting too wet.

It is recommended for high heels or shoes with split toes.

4. Put on a double template


The classic trick for shoes that expand or that for some reason are too big is to use a double insole.

These are very easy to find in the market. They can also be made at home with cardboard or EVA rubber, among others.

In fact, if you don’t have insoles in an emergency, you can fix it with a sanitary napkin.

Although it sounds quite strange, the glue they contain fits very well to the footwear and provide more comfort.

5. Use some deodorant stick


If any of your shoes are causing injuries or chafing, take a deodorant stick and rub it into the affected areas.

The product will keep the skin in place and prevent blistering.

6. With a hair dryer


With the heat emitted by the hair dryer, you can make the shoes loosen and mold perfectly to your foot.

Put on a thick sock again, put your foot inside the shoe and run the dryer for five to ten minutes.

7. Acquire adhesive pads

Acquire adhesive pads

Strip pads or tape are helpful to keep shoe straps from scratching or blistering you.

Glue them all the way around and make sure to fix them well so they don’t affect your feet or ankles.

8. Sand the soles of your shoes


A simple sandpaper for wooden objects can help prevent those annoying slips that smooth soles cause.

Rub them vigorously with the element. Afterward, make sure to achieve the perfect texture so they will be firmer on the floor.

9. Line the straps with cotton


The synthetic straps of some sandals are what cause blisters and injuries to the back of the feet.

In order to avoid them and achieve a more comfortable feeling, buy strips of cotton fabric and line them well.

10. Buy silicone protectors


Silicone protectors are available on the market. Its purpose is to avoid rubbing and painful blisters.

11. Put newspaper with alcohol on them


To loosen your shoes and avoid soreness, roll into newspaper balls. Then immerse them in alcohol and introduce them inside them.

Wait a couple of days for the product to dry and, after this time, you will feel that they are bigger and more molded to your feet.

12. Apply petroleum jelly


Applying a little petroleum jelly to your feet helps keep them hydrated and prevents chafing injuries.

Ready to give your footwear more comfort? Put all these recommendations into practice and give those shoes that you love so much another try.

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