2 Ways To Prepare Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is a citrus fruit that, since ancient times, has been used in culinary art and to combat certain conditions. It can be used in juices, desserts, infusions and even to prepare essential oil of lemon.

It also works as a powerful antioxidant capable of preventing the negative activity of free radicals.

On the other hand, lemon is recommended for:

  • Eliminate toxins.
  • It is believed that it helps to whet the appetite.
  • Finally, it is an ally to improve the cardiovascular system, as suggested by this research from the University of Jilin (China).
  • According to this study carried out by the Frontier Laboratories for Value Creation (Japan), it could contribute to a delay in skin aging.

In short, lemon essential oil works as a stimulant, soothing, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, and disinfectant. In addition, it has antifungal properties, according to this research carried out by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain).

It also helps fight:

  • Stress.
  • Obesity.
  • Some types of mushrooms
  • Epithelial aging
  • Hair conditions.
  • Stomach upset

With the following 2 ways to prepare lemon essential oil, you can have your own product. You can use it at your convenience, as you need.

In this way, you can take advantage of all the benefits that lemon has.

Make lemon essential oil

Form No. 1

lemon oil

For all those who love the smell of lemon and love to get drunk with its aroma, essential oil is the best solution to decorate various spaces and even enhance perfumes and colognes.

However, few of us have the necessary machinery to manufacture this type of oil. Therefore, here we will teach you how to make your own lemon essential oil in a simple and economical way, since it only requires few ingredients.


  • Olive oil (200 mL).
  • Almond oil (200 mL).
  • 6 lemons without pesticides or special treatments (200 g).
  • 1 glass bottle with airtight closure (containing about 500 mL).


  • First, cut the peel of the lemons and let them dry in the minimum oven (50 ° C) for about 3 hours.
  • Next, put the dry skins in the bottom of the jars and cover with the two oils.
  • Then let it sit in a dry, dark place for about 50 days, making sure to stir the contents from time to time.
  • After this long waiting period, press well for the lemon peels and then proceed to filter the oil obtained, through a cheesecloth.
  • Finally, transfer it into bottles provided with a dropper, and every time you want to be enveloped by the aroma of lemons, use about 5 drops in an essential oil burner.

Form No. 2

olive oil and lemon

Citrus essences captivate us and transport us to memories of our childhood.  But not only for its smell and taste, lemon is famous, it also works as a powerful antiseptic, being very useful in times of contagion.

Here, we will show you another way to prepare your lemon essential oil quickly and easily. You will give an elegant aroma to your home. In addition, you will protect your health and that of your family.


  • 3 lemons (100 g).
  • Olive oil (100 mL).
  • 1 self-closing bag or container with a hermetic lid capable of withstanding high temperatures.


  • First, put a pot of water to heat, for later.
  • Next, peel the lemons to remove the peel.
  • If there are remnants of the whitish layer of the lemon on the peel, scrape them off. S olo we are interested in the yellow part.
  • Then, put the lemon peels in the hot water to finish removing any remaining bitter taste. Leave it for about a minute.
  • Meanwhile, place the open resealable bag, or the container with a lid, in another pot and add a little virgin olive oil, so that it reaches about half of it.
  • After a minute, you will see that the lemon peel has turned the water slightly yellow. Remove the peel, add it to the bag with the oil and close it, the water is not necessary.
  • Now, you must heat the bag or container in a bain-marie, that is why we put it in a pot in the previous step. In this way we will simulate steam distillation, we will get them to mix and we will obtain the essential oil of lemon. Let it sit for 2-3 hours.
  • Then, when the corresponding time has passed, remove it from the heat and let it rest for 24 hours.
  • Finally, the next day, you can store it in a container with a lid and reserve it in a cool place, without humidity.


In most cases, lemon essential oil is safe for topical use and aromatherapy. However, according to this study from the University of Alabama, its use can increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun.

Therefore, it is better to avoid exposing yourself to the sun after using this product in any of its presentations. Otherwise, symptoms such as temporary redness and irritation may appear. 

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