3 Reasons To Include Eggs In Your Breakfast And 2 Ways To Eat Them

Are you one of those who avoid eggs in your breakfast because you think they make us gain weight and raise our levels of bad cholesterol? Then you must take into account this information.

What do you usually have for your breakfast? If you are one of those who leaves home with a coffee and some pastries, it is most likely that after an hour your stomach demands food and your head an aspirin for headaches.

Leaving the house well fed is essential to start the day with energy, strength and with “adequate” fuel so that the brain is on alert.

Eggs in your breakfast: suitable for your cardiovascular health

The balanced consumption of eggs will not raise your cholesterol nor will it influence the levels of lipids in the blood. There are many studies that support this information, such as those published in the American College of Nutrition journal .

  • Eggs provide us with phospholipids and unsaturated fats, as well as vitamins and antioxidants that help prevent arteriosclerosis.
  • According to the experts, nothing will happen if throughout the week we consume between 3 and 5 eggs, there is no risk and our heart is strengthened as well as protected, as long as we accompany it with a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, it has been shown that the consumption of eggs is not negatively related to cardiovascular health.

It will not be the same to consume a boiled egg, for example, than some fried eggs with bacon and cheese, where the level of saturated fat already poses a risk to our health.

  • Another fact to take into account is that thanks to the choline present in eggs, we reduce the inflammatory processes that occur with the increase in the level of homocysteine, or C-reactive protein.

The regular and balanced consumption of eggs takes care of our heart health and protects us against osteoporosis, cognitive deterioration and type 2 diabetes.

Eggs in your breakfast to lose weight

Eggs are one of the most satisfying foods around. There is nothing better than starting the day with a scrambled omelette with spinach, for example , to be able to spend the morning with energy and well-being until lunchtime.

  • In addition, we cannot forget that eggs are an excellent source of complete proteins of high biological value, whose quality exceeds that of dairy products.
  • It should also be noted that the proteins present in eggs are chains of amino acids capable of repairing tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.

All this indicates that they are an essential part of any weight loss diet.

Eggs for your brain and nervous system

One of the best benefits of eggs is that they provide us with choline, a compound that helps reduce brain inflammation .

The latest studies do not find an association between egg consumption and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, however this intake is associated with cognitive improvement.

In addition, the phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin present in eggs allow us to synthesize substances such as acetylcholine, which acts as a neurotransmitter to promote the sending of information between the nerves and the muscles.

Healthy ways to eat eggs for breakfast

fried eggs

Banana oat pancakes


  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg.
  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal (50 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon zest (5 g).


  • The first thing we will do is pass the banana through the food processor to obtain a very thin paste, which we will mix later with the egg white and yolk.
  • Next, we add the lemon zest and the 5 tablespoons of oats, to mix everything well and create a compact pasta spice. The next step is very simple, we will only have to fry it in a very hot pan as a pancake. The result is spectacular.

Eggs with spinach, strawberries and raisins


  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 boiled egg.
  • 1 handful of raisins
  • 100 g of fresh spinach.


  • This “salad” is as tasty as it is filling, very suitable to start the day and get some good energy. To prepare it, you will only have to have a hard-boiled egg ready, which we will cut into thin slices.
  • Afterwards, wash the strawberries well and cut them in half.
  • Wash the spinach and take them to a bowl, in which we will also add the strawberries, the egg and the raisins. Do you dare to try it? It is a recipe rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and vitamin C and B that will allow us to regulate intestinal transit, take care of our line and our heart.

Eggs can complement a good breakfast

Including eggs in your breakfast is a way to take care of your health as long as you combine them with the right foods. They suppose a low protein intake and a low caloric density.

In addition, not only do they not increase your cholesterol levels, but they also have cardioprotective effects. You should include them in your diet more regularly!

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