4 Exercises For The Health Of Your Eyes

Maybe when you think about exercising, you are not taking into account also exercising your eyesight. However, this can provide you with several benefits.

There are several exercises for the health of the eyes that will help you enjoy greater well-being. Do your eyes tend to get red? Do they hurt sometimes? Do you notice a slight tension in them? It is clear that people who work in front of a computer are much more likely to suffer this.

It is clear that people who work in front of a computer are much more likely to suffer this. For this reason, if you don’t want to damage your eyesight and prefer to enjoy good eye health, you should exercise them with some simple methods.

The following exercises can be done anywhere and, if you include them in a routine, they will bring you multiple benefits. Take note!

Eye exercises

Today, following the recommended guidelines to combat computer vision syndrome, we are going to present you 4 exercises for eye health that will help you.

Although there are only 4, in them you will discover variants to make them more complete.

1. To blink!

If you are a person who works in front of the computer, one of the most basic exercises for eye health is blinking. Faced with this, perhaps you are thinking: “but I already blink!”. Yes, you do, but not often enough.

Visual fatigue

Being in front of the computer working requires a lot of concentration. This causes you to go longer without blinking, something you wouldn’t do under other circumstances. What to do about it?

  • Flash faster : If you’re on an active break from work, try flashing faster. This will lubricate the eye naturally. And so, you will not have to use any eye drops.
  • Blink slowly : this exercise allows you to relax the tension in your eyes. Close them and keep them like that for a few seconds. Then open them and do the same thing again.

    2. Pressure in the eyes

    Do you remember when as a child you pressed your eyes and looked at some sparkles as if they were little stars? For a similar slight pressure is capable of doing a lot of good. This helps release eye strain and relax your eyes after an intense day of hard work.

    How to carry out these exercises? Here are two ways to do this with which the eyes will feel relieved, the tension in them will lighten   and the reaction time will increase significantly ; as explained in the following experiment published in 2013 by the Journal of clinical and diagnostic research .

    • Press palms over eyes : with light pressure, place palms over eyes for 2 minutes. Likewise, it is recommended that you warm them first by rubbing them together.
    • Press with the fingers : put the fingers on the eyes and press gently for a few seconds. Then rest and do it again.

      3. Move your eyes

      Movement is also another effective eye health exercise.

      Although these are already in motion, do it in a certain way if you want to achieve specific results. Thus, you will release eye tension and relax your eyesight.

      • Top to bottom : This is the first move. It consists of directing the view first upwards and then downwards. You will find that it costs a bit, so do this exercise slowly.
      • From one side to the other : the second exercise is similar. But making the movement first to the right side and then to the left.

      Carrot helps fight eye problems.

      It is possible that while doing these exercises you will notice some pressure, as if you were moving your eyes forcibly. Still, this is positive; since you will be releasing tension and, when you finish, you will feel a greater well-being.

      4. Focus near and far

      The last of the exercises for the health of the eyes, collected in a recent study of the International Journal of Research and Health Sciences (IJHSR) , consists of working with the focus.

      This can be of great help to those who are nearsighted or farsighted ; so we also recommend them in these cases, even if the eyes do not suffer in themselves at work.

      • Focus from afar : direct your gaze towards an object, person or thing that is far away. Then turn your eyes back to where you were at the beginning.
      • Focus closely : In this case, focus on observing something close. A speck of dust, a small ant, or a skin on the nail.

      Do these exercises for the health of the eyes every day

      As you have seen, these exercises help to release eye tension, strengthen eyesight and allow the eyes to rest properly after a hard day.

      And you? Do you dare to make these exercises part of a routine? It is clear that if you practice them at every work break, your eye health will thank you tomorrow.

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