4 Natural Smoothies To Treat Hypertension

Hypertension, or high tension, is that silent evil that advances with serious consequences. Therefore, today we will discover some smoothies that we can introduce into our diet and that can help us treat hypertension.

It is worthwhile to carry out continuous check-ups and improve our lifestyle and eating habits. Incorporating these tasty smoothies into your diet will greatly help you treat high blood pressure.

Hypertension, a silent enemy

If your doctor has diagnosed you that you have high blood pressure, he will undoubtedly have suggested that you change some things in your life.

There are those who do not receive medication and are simply told to do some exercise, change their eating habits, stop smoking, etc.

If you have been prescribed adequate medications to treat hypertension, it would also be necessary for you to combine them with appropriate habits in your day-to-day life, since the fact of taking medication already indicates that the problem is not as banal as we might think.

Arterial hypertension

The elevation of blood pressure levels occurs when our heart exerts a stronger and inadequate pressure on the arteries.

Her contractions are stronger, and her relaxation is also not within normal limits. And never overlook it, because the consequences of suffering from hypertension are usually very dangerous :

  • Risks for the brain : high blood pressure leads to the arteries becoming stiff and narrow, with which, the blood supply is insufficient and causes the appearance of cerebral infarcts, such as stroke.
  • Risks for the kidneys : this stiffness of the arteries mentioned above means that the blood does not reach the kidneys adequately, which can lead to kidney failure. And with it, the risk of having to live with dialysis, an existence linked to a machine that will replace the function of the kidneys. It is something that nobody wants.
  • Risk for the heart : an overload appears, the rigid arteries do not work properly and we can suffer a heart attack or any other type of injury of greater or lesser severity, or it can even lead to a chronic disease such as heart failure.
  • Other ailments to consider : risks that the arteries in our legs become overloaded. We will feel more tired, at risk of thrombosis. High blood pressure also affects the health of our vision and can even alter the health of the pancreas. Not forgetting either, that hypertension usually causes many headaches.

Natural smoothies to treat hypertension

1. Apple and cinnamon smoothie



  • The juice of an orange.
  • A kiwi.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • A medium pear.


If we take it 3 times a week during breakfast, we will start the day in the best possible way. And how will we prepare it? The important thing is that it is always fresh.

  • Get the orange juice first.
  • Then blend the pear and kiwi.
  • Mix it all in a glass of water.

If you combine these smoothies with a good diet rich in fruits, vegetables, water and avoid salt in each of your dishes, you will see how much better you will feel every day.

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