5 Easy Tips To Reduce Uric Acid In Your Breakfast

Hyperuricemia or increased uric acid in the blood is a problem suffered by millions of people. Therefore, it is recommended to make changes in the diet and include foods that can help us reduce it.

It is important to bear in mind that we are dealing with a waste product of metabolism and that, if it accumulates in excess, the urine will not be able to eliminate it in its entirety.

The saturation of uric acid in the blood causes small crystallites to form, which can originate from kidney stones, to the classic and painful gout.

Now, to avoid or at least reduce this annoying symptomatology, it is necessary to take maximum care of diet, according to an article published in the journal Clinical Rheumatology .

The amounts of uric acid are higher in men. To avoid the rises it is necessary, first of all, that we limit the consumption of red meat, blue fish and foods that make us gain weight.

For our part, we want to recommend that, if this is your case, if your doctor has told you that you have a high uric acid level, you begin to improve your diet.

So much so that it would be wise for you to improve the quality of your breakfasts from today. Here are 5 good tips to reduce uric acid.

Foods to reduce uric acid during breakfast

Eat breakfast daily for a healthier life.

Is coffee bad if I have uric acid?

This information will undoubtedly be one of the most important when it comes to breakfast. If I have uric acid, should I stop drinking coffee?

Until very recently it was thought that it was better to restrict the consumption of everything that had theine or caffeine. It is not like this. Articles like the one published in Medical News Today magazine  reveal the following.

  • Since 2007 there have been numerous studies that explain that moderate coffee consumption reduces uric acid level  (about two cups a day).
  • Coffee also has a very high level of chlorogenic acid. It is a strong antioxidant capable of improving insulin sensitivity.
  • Chlorogenic acid also helps to inhibit the absorption of glucose in the intestine, and all this allows us to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood.
  • According to the researchers in charge of this work, if we drank up to 4 cups a day, we would reduce uric acid by 40%.
  • However, many patients may experience an increase in hypertension, so it is best to consume two cups a day.

Glass of warm water with lemon

  • Lemon is purifying and allows us to eliminate all those purines associated with uric acid.
  • Also, and in case of suffering from gout or some other rheumatic process, it will allow you to find a great improvement.
  • It prevents the appearance of kidney stones and favors their dissolution, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition Hospital .

Eggs for breakfast

How many eggs can we eat during the week?

There is one aspect to consider about uric acid: it is not about completely eliminating certain foods from the diet.

You should definitely not say “no” to blue fish. Nor, even less, not to eat meat again. It’s about maintaining a proper balance and looking for healthier options.

  • Choose lean turkey meat over red, for example.
  • Eggs are especially indicated in patients with uric acid, since they do not contain purines and provide proteins of high biological value.
  • They are a good alternative to red meat. So much so that you can calmly eat 3 to 5 units per week.

Rice drink

Many people may be surprised, but the rice drink is very healthy in these cases. Rice does not contain purines but it does contain many nutrients that can help us.

The rice drink is a good source of magnesium. It also has vitamin B6, zinc and copper. Feel free to include it in your breakfast. However, choose a variety with no added sugar.

Vegetable drinks: properties and benefits

A natural orange with honey and cinnamon

As we have pointed out, it is important to eat in a balanced way and in moderation. So, it is not about restricting completely, but about achieving a balanced diet.

  • A good breakfast should have vitamins, fiber, and some protein. Eggs already offer us that point of protein, and coffee, for its part, good antioxidants.
  • Now, we need a good level of vitamins. One way to get them is by eating an orange.
  • Feel free to peel one and top it with a tablespoon of honey and a little ground cinnamon. It is a sensational recipe that will help you reduce uric acid.

    Also, do not forget that cinnamon tea can also be very good for you so that in your next analyzes you will see a clear improvement.

    Take care of your diet to reduce uric acid

    Having high levels of uric acid in the body is a problem that can be easily reduced through changes in diet. These dietary strategies are based on limiting the consumption of foods rich in purines, as well as on a protocol that reduces excess body weight.

    You need to be careful around certain foods like seafood, sweets, alcohol, and red meat. For the rest, it is advisable to eat as varied a diet as possible.

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