5 Effective Tips To Deal With Mental Fatigue

Who has never suffered from mental fatigue? It appears in the form of pressure on the temples when we are occupied with worries, issues to solve and anxiety accelerates our heart.

What can we do? The first thing is to be aware of it. Understand that we cannot continue living with that mental fatigue as a “cloud” over our heads; it is not healthy.

That is why today we want to offer you five simple tips that will be of great help to you.

1. Simple acupressure exercises

Acupressure to avoid mental fatigue

The effectiveness of acupressure is more than proven, and serves, for example, to relieve headaches. We explain how to do it to relieve mental fatigue:

  • Look at the image above. With your thumb and forefinger, press hard between the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand. Nerves pass through here that, when stimulated, offer rest.
    • There is another very suitable point to obtain relief and relaxation. It is the one located at the beginning of the bridge of the nose, right in the little hole between the eyes. Perform a small 30-second massage with your index finger and thumb.

    2. Stop time and just breathe

    Daily worries and chores overwhelm us.  How to relieve mental fatigue?

    • Be aware of one thing: you need time for yourself, at least two hours a day to have your personal space. It is a basic need, of mental hygiene, so stop the time and dedicate yourself to yourself.
    • Find a quiet, relaxed place. Wherever you feel good.
    • Clear your mind and take a deep breath. Then exhale little by little. Repeat this process five times trying, yes, not to think about anything.
    • After this simple relaxation exercise, do something rewarding for yourself. Take a walk, read, take a bath …

    3. Take refuge in your “personal palace of thoughts”

    to meditate

    Sometimes we can’t get out to breathe fresh air, so we have to find our inner space to get away from the outside world.

    • You only need 5 minutes. Go to a quiet place, or make yourself comfortable where you are
    • Look out the window or a point of calm.
    • Now take a breath and breathe calmly.
    • Imagine something that is pleasant to you, such as a place you would like to go on a trip. A quiet beach, a gentle breeze, the warmth of the sand… Travel to that “personal palace” where everything is calm and there are no pressures. Relax there, “disconnecting” from the outside world.

      4. Infusion of roses, linden and lemon balm

      Infusion of rose and lemon balm for mental fatigue

      The infusion of roses, linden and lemon balm is the most suitable for treating moderate stress and anxiety states. It is tasty, light and very relaxing. Ideal to soften our mental fatigue.

      You don’t need more than 10 grams of rose leaves, 10 grams of lemon balm and 5 grams of linden. Add them to a glass of water (250 ml) and bring to a boil. Once it has settled, add a little honey.

      Drink the infusion calmly in a relaxed space, alone, calm. Give yourself 20 minutes of rest.

      5. The benefits of going out for a walk

      Walking to avoid mental fatigue

      Few things are as relaxing and liberating as going out for a walk. You only need half an hour. Put on some good shoes, comfortable clothes and start walking. Always at a fast pace, allow your circulation to make your heart work.

      In this way, you don’t just oxygenate your body. You also free your mind and relativize many things. Stress and worries are reduced, and things are seen from a different perspective, from a much more relaxed perspective.

      Mental fatigue will fade and you will find relief. Remember to take time for yourself, for your well-being. You deserve to be happy and drop a little all those burdens that tire our mind. Do we start today?

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