6 Basic Cares To Protect The Health Of Your Kidneys

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs, each the size of a fist, located near the middle of the back, just below the rib cage.

Its functions are decisive for general health, since they are responsible for keeping the blood clean and chemically balanced.

Among other things, they are responsible for controlling the volume of extracellular fluids, electrolyte levels and the pH of the internal environment.

In addition, they participate in the secretion of some hormones that regulate the production of red blood cells and are key to the control of blood pressure.

Due to this, it is essential to adopt healthy habits to promote its proper functioning and avoid the development of diseases. On this occasion we want to share 6 basic cares that, for health reasons, we must all put into practice constantly.

1. Maintain a healthy diet

Mmm, a mouthful of goodness!

Although many overlook it, eating habits have a lot to do with the good or bad functioning of the kidneys.

While unprocessed foods can help you detox, processed foods increase your risk of insufficiency and infection.


  • Increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume sources of healthy omega 3 fats, such as seeds, nuts, and oily fish.
  • Replace refined ones with whole grains.
  • Limit the consumption of red meat and foods rich in fat.
  • Avoid the ingestion of sausage, canned and fried meats.
  • Moderate the consumption of salt and sugar.

2. Increase water consumption

The daily consumption of water is one of the habits that promote the proper functioning of all the systems of our body. This vital fluid is essential to filter toxins from the blood and, through urine, detoxify the body.


  • Drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Consume herbal teas, fruit juices or foods rich in water.
  • Avoid sugary or industrial sodas.

3. Avoid tobacco: take care of your kidneys

Although we associate tobacco consumption with respiratory diseases, it is essential to bear in mind that it also has to do with other chronic diseases.

The toxic compounds contained in cigarettes manage to travel through the bloodstream, affecting cardiovascular and kidney health. In fact, smokers have up to three times the risk of developing kidney failure compared to non-smokers.


  • Avoid tobacco use. If you have trouble quitting, ask for help.
  • If you don’t smoke, avoid exposing yourself to tobacco smoke.

    4. Limit the consumption of medications

    We have become used to treating all our ills with medications prescribed by the doctor, or with over-the-counter drugs. What we do not take into account is that the excessive consumption of drugs can alter kidney functions.


    • Take medications only when necessary, preferably under the supervision of a specialist.
    • Avoid over-the-counter pain relievers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories.
    • Consume only the prescribed doses, always checking for possible adverse reactions.
    • Go for natural treatments to reduce minor ailments.

    5. Do physical exercise

    do exercise

    Regular physical exercise not only allows you to maintain a healthier weight, but also promotes the overall well-being of the body.

    It helps to optimize the functions of the metabolism, promoting the elimination of waste substances that accumulate in the blood.

    In turn, it is a natural therapy to control high blood pressure and fluid retention, two factors that make it difficult for the kidneys to function.


    • Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to an exercise routine.
    • If you don’t have time to go to a gym, choose to exercise at home.
    • Go through your training routine at least 3 times a week.

    6. Kidney detox

    The kidneys are excretory organs that, in good condition, have the ability to purify themselves. However, due to excessive accumulation of toxins and diets rich in sodium and fat, it is necessary to support these processes to achieve a complete detoxification.


    • Consume infusions with diuretic and cleansing properties.
    • Adopt a detox plan, avoiding the consumption of fats, sugars and salt during the cleansing period.
    • Include fruits and detox smoothies in your diet.

    Are you worried about your kidney health? Do you have risk factors for kidney failure or pathologies? If so, keep the above recommendations in mind and start protecting your kidneys before suffering any complications.

    Of course, in addition to the above, it is essential to request medical check- ups to more accurately check if there are any abnormalities in its operation.

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