6 Innovative Ways To Use Your Food Waste

Far from being useless waste, citrus peels and other fruits can be used to clean the home and even to prepare facial treatments.

Composting compost for the garden or to feed animals allows you to make the most of food waste. Although it is not always possible to use them for these purposes, ideas like these are great for reducing the waste we throw away. However, there are other alternatives that can be very beneficial in this regard.

And, with a little creativity, waste can be used to replace polluting products and even facilitate some daily tasks. On the other hand, we know that more and more people are concerned about the environment. Hence, we wanted to share these 6 innovative ideas that will undoubtedly contribute to caring for our environment.

1. Air freshener with citrus peels


The aroma of citrus peels is very useful to eliminate unpleasant odors that tend to concentrate in some rooms in the home. Even, due to their wealth of essential oils and antibacterial substances, they are useful for cleaning all types of surfaces. In this case, we suggest you make a 100% natural air freshener. To do this, we will use the bark that you usually throw into the trash can.


  • ½ glass of ethyl alcohol (100 ml)
  • Citrus rinds (as many as you like)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 tablespoons of distilled water (20 ml)


  • Put the alcohol, the citrus peels and the cinnamon in a glass container.
  • Seal it well and put it in a dark place for 8-10 days.
  • After this time, pour the product into a spray bottle and add two tablespoons of distilled water.
  • Shake well and spray the air freshener on the spaces you need to treat.

2. All-purpose cleaner with coffee residue

The coffee grounds have many useful properties for various purposes in the home and natural cosmetics. Therefore, we suggest you prepare a multipurpose cleaner. Its abrasive power will help to effectively remove dirt and all kinds of substances; in particular, the remains of fat.


  • Coffee grounds (as many as you like)
  • Liquid soap


  • Mix the coffee grounds with a little liquid soap and use it to clean kitchen countertops, greasy stove surfaces, or fridge.
  • Spread it well, rub it and remove the remains with warm water.

3. Fertilizer with eggshells

Fertilizer with eggshells

Eggshells are 93% calcium carbonate and 1% nitrogen. They also have other nutrients that benefit the quality of the soils. Its use as a fertilizer helps to improve the growth of plants such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. In addition, they reduce the risk of blossom end rot caused by calcium deficiency and prevent pests.


  • Eggshells
  • Water


    • Crush the egg shells and soak them in plenty of water for 12 hours.
    • After this time, use the liquid and the pieces of shell to fertilize the soil.
    • Optionally, you can put a few pieces of eggshells in the bottom of your pots.

    4. Remedy for warts with potato peel

    Potato peel has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy for warts. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the size of the bump and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body.


    • peel of 1 raw potato


    • Cut a piece of raw potato, put it on the wart and fix it with the help of adhesive tape.
    • Repeat the treatment every night until the wart is gone.

    5. Clean utensils with apple peel


    Although apple peels should not be discarded due to their high fiber content, they can be used as a cleaning agent. Its natural acids facilitate the removal of stains and substances attached to kitchen utensils.


    • Apple peels (as many as you like)
    • ½ liter of water


    • Boil the apple peels in the water and let them sit until they reach a bearable temperature.
    • Use the liquid to polish stained utensils.

    6. Mask with fruit remains

    Fruit leftovers may not taste as pleasant, but they still retain antioxidants and vitamins that benefit the skin. Instead of composting or garbage, prepare a mask to remove dead cells and give your face a renewed appearance.


    • Fruit leftovers (whichever you prefer)
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil (15 g)

      How to apply it

      • Crush the fruit scraps and mix them with a tablespoon of olive or coconut oil.
      • Rub the mask all over your face and let it sit for 15 minutes.
      • Rinse. You will immediately notice that your skin is smoother and better nourished.

      As you can see, these are just some of the many ways to take advantage of organic waste that until not long ago we used to consider as garbage. Keep them in mind from now on and do not hesitate to put them into practice.

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