6 Oils To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is very intense. We suggest natural and homemade therapies to relieve arthritis pain and combine them with medical treatments.

Arthritis pain is one of the biggest complaints a person can experience. According to this information from the Arthritis Foundation, one of the symptoms of this disease is inflammation of the joints, which are the structures found at the junction of two bones.

Arthritis appears as a consequence of cartilage degeneration .  Its treatment includes the use of drugs that can be harmful to the stomach lining. That is  one pain can cause another.

However, without abandoning the treatment recommended by medical specialists, it is possible to relieve arthritis pain with the following natural oils. 

1. Chamomile oil

The best way to get the benefits of this oil is to apply it to the affected area by massaging it until it is completely absorbed.

chamomile oil

Chamomile oil offers many benefits, including:

  • It is believed to have hypoallergenic properties, which is why it is recommended for patients with rhinitis or hay fever. However, given the lack of scientific evidence, it is advisable to speak with a doctor first.
  • As suggested by this study by the Chang Gung University College of Medicine (Taiwan), it favors the cicatrization  and helps decrease the possibility of keloid formation.
  • It is a moisturizer for the skin.
  • It is anti-inflammatory. This is stated in this study by the Case Western Reserve University (United States).

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile oil is ideal for relieving:

  • Muscle pain
  • Spasms
  • Lumbago
  • Headaches
  • Pain from premenstrual syndrome
  • Arthritis pain.

You can also read Improve your quality of life with Chamomile

2. Rosemary oil

Rosemary is an aromatic herb belonging to the mint family from the Mediterranean region. Since ancient times it has been noted for its therapeutic properties.

This plant has been used as an ingredient in multiple recipes, but it is also the base of one of the most used oils in aromatherapy.

To obtain the benefits of rosemary oil, simply massage the affected area.

It is currently used to:

  • Control problems associated with Alzheimer’s. This is stated in this research carried out by the University of Tokyo (Japan).
  • According to this study by the University of Murcia, it is antimicrobial.
  • It could relieve headache and muscle pain, as well as those derived from arthritis, thanks to its anti-inflammatory capacity. This is suggested by this research from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil).

3. Ginger oil to treat arthritis pain

ginger oil and arthritis pain

Ginger has a peculiar flavor comparable to the sensation produced by pepper. Its consumption helps alleviate inflammation, as suggested by this study from Isfahan University (Iran), so it is recommended to include a little ginger in your day to day.

However, we know that not everyone likes the taste of this root. If that is your case, we recommend using a little oil ginger to treat arthritis pain.

This extract  acts like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Marjoram oil

Marjoram oil has the ability to reduce pain caused by cold, physical exertion or toothache , among others.

And it stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Tehran (Iran).

Marjoram oil is also antiseptic so we can take advantage of it to disinfect and accelerate wound healing.

To obtain the benefits of marjoram oil, apply a little on the place where arthritis pain is affecting you.

Make sure the oil is at room temperature or warm it a little until it is pleasant to the touch.

Read also The 12 best natural antiseptics

5. Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil is derived from peppermint leaves and is often used as a home remedy to relieve stomach problems, muscle pain, and headaches. 

Peppermint has analgesic properties (as stated in this study conducted by the University of Tripoli), expectorant and anti-inflammatory (as stated in this study by the University of Bejaia, Algeria).

This essential oil contains numerous minerals (manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium) in addition to omega 3 and vitamins .

6. Turmeric oil

In addition to being a food that adds a special touch to your dishes, it provides incredible benefits.

Although you do not like its taste, but you are having problems with inflammation and pain due to arthritis, We recommend that you buy some turmeric oil to get its benefits. This is stated in this study conducted by Central Michigan University.

To enhance its effects, then combine it with any of the oils that we mentioned before

How to use these oils?

arthritis pain massage

You can use these oils individually or mixed with each other to improve and optimize their action.

It is important not to apply the oils in pure consistency directly on the skin .

Instead, you should dilute them in a carrier oil, such as olive oil, jojoba, or olive oil.  almonds to avoid skin irritations.

These oils can be applied in 3 ways:

  • Directly on the painful area with circular massages.
  • With the help of a cold compress, for 10 to 15 minutes, on the affected area.
  • With compresses as hot as you can comfortably tolerate, for a maximum of 20 minutes on the inflamed area.

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