6 Reasons Why You Should Start Losing Weight To Take Care Of Your Health

Obesity can have dire consequences for our health. By losing weight, we not only feel better, but we also help our body.

Until a few decades ago the only motivation to start losing weight was to be able to achieve a slimmer and more defined figure.

However, as studies on overweight and obesity were carried out, it was determined that a stable weight is essential to enjoy a good quality of life.

In fact, obesity is currently estimated to be the second leading cause of death, after tobacco.

Millions of people are obese, yet they don’t go to great lengths to achieve a healthier weight.

Although commercially vanity is still the main reason to burn excess body fat, it is good to know those diseases that can originate when something is not done about it.

In this space we want to share the 6 most common, so that you find out about those dangers that come with having more weight than you should … and thus decide to start losing weight to take care of your health!

Discover them!

Why you should start losing weight

1. Stroke

The first reason why you should start losing weight is that being overweight and obesity are closely related to the development of arteriosclerosis. In this condition the arteries are clogged by the accumulation of fat.

In this way, the blood vessels narrow and the risk of blood clotting increases due to the difficulties that the blood has to flow normally.

Clots can block the blood supply and lead to serious consequences such as stroke.

Of course, losing weight and maintaining good lifestyle habits reduces the risk of these types of problems.

2. Respiratory diseases

The accumulation of fat in the body causes the chest wall to become heavier and makes the breathing process difficult.

This decreases lung capacity . In this way, respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis or sleep apnea can develop. The latter is a condition where breathing stops involuntarily during the rest period.

Due to obesity it can be complicated by a situation called hypoventilation, which is the accumulation of toxic levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.

3. Varicose veins


The muscles of the lower body play a very important role in pumping blood to the heart. Its function helps to “distribute” the blood flow through most of the muscles and tissues of the body.

However, due to the excess pressure produced by abdominal fat, its workload increases and causes damage to the valves that ensure its return to the heart.

As a consequence, the blood becomes stagnant and can cause an inflammation that we all know as varicose veins. Does this seem like a good reason to start losing weight?

4. High blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common cardiovascular disorder in overweight or obese patients.

The difficulty that the blood has to transport through the arteries causes an overexertion of the heart muscle.

5. Diabetes


Diabetes is a serious condition that causes thousands of deaths. Furthermore, it is the leading cause of blindness in the adult population.

The relationship between diabetes and being overweight or obese stems from diet: many overweight people eat unhealthy, high-glycemic foods.

These types of foods tend to have many more calories and tend to raise blood sugar levels quickly.

As a result, the body reserves a lot of glucose as fat instead of using it for energy.

6. Cancer

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that between 25 and 33% of cancer patients have had complications due to sedentary lifestyle and being overweight.

Body fat unbalances insulin production and stimulates excess estrogen, causing a strong hormonal imbalance.

This reaction accelerates cell division and creates more adipose tissue in order to increase the ability to store fat.

Rapid cell division causes cancer cells to grow at the same rate.

The types of cancers associated with this condition are:

  • Breast cancer: in both men and women.
  • Colorectal cancer: it involves the colon, appendix, and rectum.
  • Prostate cancer: affects the prostate gland.
  • Endometrial cancer: develops in the uterus.
  • Esophageal cancer: affects the esophagus.
  • Renal cell cancer: compromises the kidneys.

As you can see, the weight goes far beyond an aesthetic condition. Enjoying a stable and healthy weight is essential to avoid such serious pathologies as the ones we have just mentioned.

If you have overweight problems, try to improve your lifestyle habits. Also, check with your doctor to determine how it is affecting your health.

Have we convinced you to start losing weight?

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