6 Things You Can Do To Prevent Fluid Retention

Physical exercise is very suitable to end fluid retention, as it stimulates circulation and favors the elimination of waste and toxins

What is and how to prevent fluid retention? Fluid retention, a disorder known as edema, occurs when body fluids accumulate in tissues, increasing their level of inflammation. It is not a disease as such, but its recurrent appearance can serve as a signal to detect more careful conditions.

In general, when it occurs frequently, it has to do with sudden hormonal changes, circulatory difficulties, or obstructions in the lymphatic system. Although the inflammation it produces can be mild, in some cases it is accompanied by pain, stiffness and a variety of other symptoms that interfere with the performance of daily tasks.

Fortunately, in addition to the existing treatments for its control, there are healthy habits that, practiced on a regular basis, help prevent fluid retention. In the following article we share the 6 best tips.

How to prevent fluid retention

We can help prevent fluid retention by putting these 6 tips into practice:

1. Consume water and healthy fluids

prevent fluid retention

Daily consumption of water and healthy fluids is one of the natural remedies to prevent fluid retention. Contrary to what many think, water does not increase the amount of accumulated fluids but, through the kidney process, promotes their elimination. Its diuretic and detoxifying effect supports the processes that eliminate waste from the body and, thanks to this, controls edema.


  • Make sure you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
  • If you have trouble drinking water, opt for drinks like herbal teas and fruit juices.

2. Sleep well

Some might think that it has nothing to do with it. However, having good sleep habits positively influences the control and prevention of fluid retention and associated disorders. During the rest period, circulation flows more optimally and, in addition, regulates the activity of the lymphatic system to remove waste.


  • Try to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day, without interruptions.
  • If you have sleep problems, try to identify the cause.
  • Support yourself with the consumption of herbal teas and natural remedies to sleep.

3. Limit your salt intake

prevent fluid retention

Salt is one of the most used condiments in cooking. However, its excessive consumption is one of the main causes of the accumulation of fluids in the body. High sodium levels throw the body’s electrolytes out of balance. As a result of this, it influences the difficulties to remove excess fluids.


  • Avoid adding too much salt to your dishes.
  • When buying your food, check the labels for its salt content.
  • Limit the intake of products with too much sodium: sausage, canned meats, dressings, etc.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fresh, raw foods like fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, fiber, water, and many other nutrients that help prevent fluid retention. Its regular consumption, at least 3 times a day, guarantees the proper functioning of the kidneys and stimulates the elimination of fluids.


  • Eat raw fruits and vegetables, rich in water.
  • Make more salads, smoothies, and juices.

5. Adopt an exercise routine

prevent fluid retention

Physical exercise is one of the most recommended habits to help prevent fluid retention in tissues. The movements that are performed during activities stimulate circulation and, at the same time, support the processes that remove fluids and toxins from the body. It is also ideal for protecting the kidneys as, among other things, it improves urine production and stimulates the cleansing of the urinary tract.


  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.
  • If you are not used to exercise, start doing it gradually.

6. Reactivate your blood circulation

It is inevitable that, at times, circulation will have difficulties. Excess physical activity, poor diet, and illness can lead to reduced blood flow. If fluid retention is recurrent and difficult to treat, it may be necessary to reactivate circulation with alternative therapies to relieve it.


  • First, get massages with essential oils.
  • Also, take hot and cold showers, alternately.
  • Apply compresses.
  • Also, raise your legs when you get home.
  • Lastly, go swimming.

Prevent fluid retention: conclusions

Do you notice your limbs swollen? Do you feel heaviness and pain? If it happens to you often, keep these recommendations in mind and put them into practice every day to prevent fluid retention from causing more serious diseases. If the symptoms are persistent it is important to consult with your doctor.

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