6 Tips To Start A Low-fat Diet

A low-fat diet can not only help us lose weight, but it can be our great ally to have better health and prevent diseases.

Consuming too much trans fat is one of the leading causes of being overweight, heart disease, and other metabolic disorders. All of these can cause health complications and decrease the quality of life. Therefore, it is important to follow a low-fat diet in this category.

Although there are healthy fats that serve the body as a source of energy, most people consume the trans type. Unfortunately, these have negative health effects.

The most worrying thing is that consumers ignore its presence in many products on the market. Therefore, they do not control the portions, nor the way to prepare them.

As a result, there are often difficulties in maintaining a balanced and healthy weight, even if other healthy habits such as physical exercise are adopted.

How to start limiting fat intake? What to do to have a healthier diet? While it is not easy to modify it overnight, there are some simple tips that can make it easier.

Put them into practice!

1. Reduce the consumption of meats


It is not about completely eliminating meats from the diet. In fact, this food is recommended as one of the main sources of protein.

The problem is that many tend to eat it in exaggerated portions. Also, they choose cuts that contain fats that are harmful to the body. In addition, processed meats are rich in this type of trans lipids, whose consumption is related to an increased risk of long-term diseases. This is stated in an article published in the magazine “Oncotarget”.


  • Choose to choose lean cuts, free of noticeable fat.
  • Avoid consuming too large portions.
  • Also, when preparing them, choose cooking methods free of added oils or fats.

    2. Avoid sauces and dressings

    Commercial sauces and dressings can be helpful in enhancing the flavor of many recipes. However, their excessive use is discouraged, as they contain too much fat and chemical additives.

    Also, their calorie content is high and they can completely ruin the diet.


    • Avoid buying these products when you are in the market.
    • If you want to add salsa to your meals, prepare homemade sauces with organic ingredients.
    • Also, choose dressing recipes that do not contain added oils.

    3. Replace ingredients

    Why saturated fats are preferable

    Many of the products that contain too much saturated and trans fat can be replaced by healthier, lower calorie alternatives. In this way, your diet will be low in fat.

    Why not replace them? Although the taste and the way of preparation can vary, these options are a good way to improve the diet.

    Recommendations :

    • Replace the butter of animal origin with vegetable margarine, preferably “low fat” or ” light “.
    • Check the labels of the products you eat and avoid those that contain hydrogenated oils such as palm or soy.
    • Choose to cook with sunflower, canola, or olive oil.
    • Eat low-fat dairy or plant-based milks instead of whole milk.

    4. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

    Trans fats are often found in animal products. For this reason, to have a more balanced and light-calorie diet, it is best to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

    These foods are full of essential nutrients that benefit the body and help prevent disease, according to an article published in the “International Journal of Epidemiology.” In addition, they are quite satiating and can control those “pecks” that make the diet fail.


    • Eat 5 or 6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
    • Try to consume them raw to take 100% of all their properties.
    • Eat them to replace commercial snacks .

    5. Choose a healthy cooking method

    13 kitchen hacks that will make you want to cook more often

    The cooking method also has a lot to do with the quality of the dish. When there are too many fried foods, the consumption of fat increases and therefore there is a great interference in the effects of the diet.


    • Instead of frying your meals, steam or bake them.
    • Also, if you are going to prepare meats or vegetables, you can grill them.

    6. Eliminate processed foods

    Sausage meats, packaged fries and industrial pastries are some examples of processed foods that should be excluded from the regular diet.

    They are delicious and are usually fresh most of the time. However, they contain too much saturated fat and added compounds that harm health and weight.


    • Replace processed foods with organic foods (fruits, vegetables, or whole grains).
    • For a healthy and energetic snack, have a small handful of nuts.
    • Increase your intake of water and healthy drinks to keep you feeling full.

    Cut back on trans fats to improve health

    Are you consuming too much fat? Do you want to start improving your weight? Follow all these tips and start having a lighter and healthier diet, a diet low in fat.

    Remember that a varied and healthy diet together with the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis contributes to reducing the risk of developing diseases in the medium and long term.

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