7 Energy Foods To Achieve A More Productive Day

There are a series of energy foods that cannot be missing from our diet to make us feel full of energy and vitality.  In these times when we live with so much stress, we need to supplement our diet with nutrients that are considered fuels, both for the body and the mind.

Here we tell you what they are!

Nutrients for energy and a more productive day

As a post in Public Health Nutrition points out , macronutrients are the main sources of energy in the diet. In this particular case, we highlight carbohydrates and lipids, recognized for their ability to help you perform better.

What are carbohydrates?

According to information published in Advances in Nutrition , they are the main nutrients in our diet, as they help provide energy to the body. We find them in sugars, starches and fibers. In turn, carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex.

  • Simple carbohydrates: they are monosaccharides and the body absorbs them quickly. Here we include glucose and fructose, which is what gives many fruits the sweet taste.
  • Complex carbohydrates: their absorption is slower but they are also a great source of energy. They are found in vegetables, fruits, rice, pasta, starch, corn, and oats.

Fats or lipids

It is another of the main sources of energy. Foods that contain them provide long-term energy reserves. They are composed of triglycerides and provide us with essential fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, D and E.

  • Carbohydrates and fats cannot be absent from the diet, but we must make healthy choices that our health is optimal.
  • The amount must be balanced, and must be adapted to age and physical activity, among other things.

Energy foods that you should incorporate into your diet

1. Oats

oats: energy foods

Including it in our eating habits will help us feel better in many ways. According to a study published through the Journal of Food Science and Technology :

  • Provides energy.
  • Regulates the nervous system.
  • It benefits the control of high cholesterol.
  • It provides us with a large amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that improve all the functions of the body.

2. Goji berries

Recent research published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity highlights the antioxidant potential of Goji berries. The publication suggests that these fruits have anti-aging properties, in addition to protecting against free radicals and inflammation. 

Among other things, they are considered energy foods, as they help improve physical and mental productivity. Likewise, and according to the aforementioned study, they help to:

  • Improve digestive health.
  • Improve brain activity.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Protect against visual diseases.
  • Regulate the concentration of lipids in the blood.

3. Pure cocoa

Cocoa: energy foods

Industrial milk chocolate and all its typical variants are not beneficial for the body. However, pure dark chocolate is a very complete food. It favors work efficiency by providing us with a good state of mind.

In addition, as highlighted by research published in the scientific journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, it is a source of

  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Flavonoids, which include catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidins.

4. Nuts

They are characterized by having low water content, as well as a large percentage of healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats. Nuts are rich in minerals and have a great vitamin supply.

They are also rich in healthy fats, provide plant proteins, and are a great source of fiber. According to a study published in Nutrients

  • They give us energy.
  • They improve circulation.
  • They benefit the cardiovascular system.
  • They reduce glucose and cholesterol levels.

5. Honey


It is an important source of digestive enzymes that help the body eliminate waste. It stands out for its contribution of minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese), vitamins (complex B, C, D and E), a large amount of flavonoid and phenolic antioxidants.

Therefore, and coinciding with a study published in Pharmacognosy Research , honey has important therapeutic applications. Its consumption contributes to having sufficient glycogen reserves, something very necessary to have energy all day. In addition, it helps to:

  • Protect against infection.
  • Stimulate the relief of digestive problems.
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Protect the body against respiratory diseases.

6. Spinach

In addition to being energetic, they are one of the most beneficial antioxidant foods for the body. As a study published in Food & Function points out, they provide us with vitamins, iron, and calcium. Therefore, they help curb oxidative stress, fight inflammation and reduce the risk of diseases.

7. Water

drinking water

Daily water consumption is essential to keep the body hydrated. Lack of water is one of the causes of prolonged fatigue and feeling weak. So, to have good physical and mental productivity, make sure you drink enough water. This, according to a study published in Nutrition Reviews , also helps:

  • Take care of the health of the skin.
  • Avoid overexertion of kidney activity.
  • Promote good neuronal functioning.
  • It favors the maintenance of blood volume.


Energy foods alone do not work miracles, but they will help you regulate body functions, have better performance and more stable health in general. Remember that you must also do your part and have a balanced diet in which you eliminate:

  • Salt in excess.
  • White flours.
  • Refined white sugar.
  • Industrial foods riddled with trans fats.

By following these steps in your diet, you will reduce the risk of many diseases. You will also notice that your days are less exhausting and more productive. However, remember that you should also consult the nutritionist.

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