7 Food Tips To Take Care Of Hair And Nails

A good diet to take care of hair and nails must incorporate important nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants. These help keep them strong, avoiding problems like dryness and breakage.

Although many cosmetic products are available today to help keep them healthy, nutrition continues to play a major role. Therefore, regardless of other care, it is essential to make good food choices.

The problem is that not everyone pays attention to it and continues to limit their hair routine to the application of expensive treatments. Consequently, many people have weakness, excessive sagging, cracks and other symptoms that go beyond the aesthetic. Find out how to improve it.

Feeding tips to take care of hair and nails

Making some changes to your diet is the best way to ensure healthy hair and nails. Although the cosmetic industry has been in charge of providing solutions for each problem, in general, it is advisable to guarantee a good supply of nutrients with meals.

It is not about following a strict regimen focused only on certain nutritional groups. Rather, it is adding some supplements within the menus of the usual diet. How can you improve your diet to take care of your hair and nails?

1. Eat salmon

Salmon is one of the varieties of fish with the most benefits for the body. Due to its contribution of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and vitamin D, it is recommended to stimulate hair and nail growth,  according to an article published in the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences”.

Omega 3 is a type of healthy fat that benefits the health of hair follicles and cuticles. Although the body does not produce it, it does assimilate significant amounts when at least two servings of this fish are taken a week.

2. Increase your intake of green vegetables

Green vegetables are essential in a diet to take care of hair and nails. This variety of vegetables concentrates important amounts of vitamins A and C, necessary to stimulate the segregation of the oils that maintain a good level of hydration.

It also contains easily assimilated proteins and antioxidant substances that strengthen its structures to stop hair loss and breakage. Some of the suggested options include spinach, broccoli, collards, chard, and watercress.

3. Drink plenty of citrus

Citrus fat burning.

Citrus fruits stand out for their contribution of vitamin C, a necessary nutrient to prevent hair and nail breakage.

Its proper assimilation promotes optimal collagen production,  as stated in an article published in the magazine “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”. This substance is part of both nails and hair strands.

4. Make recipes with legumes

The preparation of recipes with legumes is an easy trick to improve your diet to take care of your hair and nails. Although many avoid them for their taste, they are a primary source of biotin, iron, and amino acids that promote the health of these parts of the body.

Biotin is a necessary substance for hair growth, as it stimulates the cells of the hair follicle. In addition, it also favors the nails, as it minimizes cracks and weakness. The legumes that you can eat are:

  • Lentils.
  • Garbanzo beans.
  • Beans.
  • Green peas.
  • Broad beans.

5. Prepare snacks with nuts

Nuts for weight loss.

For many years, the intake of nuts has been recommended as an alternative to industrial snacks . Although their consumption should be moderate due to their high calorie intake, they have important nutrients such as proteins, healthy fats and minerals.

These properties, in addition to helping to take care of weight, improve the production of natural fats in the scalp and strengthen the structure of the nails. They also support their growth process and help keep them in perfect condition.

6. Add egg to breakfast

Eggs are one of the best foods to complement breakfast, as it provides proteins, fats and minerals. These nutrients help improve physical and mental performance, stimulating metabolism for optimal energy expenditure.

In addition, due to its vitamin B12 content, it also cares for hair, nails and skin. A deficiency of this nutrient can be a trigger for excessive fall, dehydration and illness.

7. Consume plain yogurt

Dairy products such as natural yogurt can also be added to the diet to care for hair and nails. This food improves the keratin structure of the hair, as it contains high-quality proteins. It also protects the nails because it contains calcium to strengthen them.

Optimize diet to take care of hair and nails

Can’t keep your hair and nails healthy despite the use of cosmetics? Maybe you should improve your diet. Take into account all these recommendations and make your diet the great ally for your beauty.

Remember that all the exposed products must be consumed within the framework of a varied and balanced diet to show their effects.

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