7 Foods That Can Make Cellulite Worse

Food can benefit or harm any pathology or disease. In the case of cellulite, it depends on what you eat, you can increase or decrease it.

Would you like to know what you should avoid so that the orange peel is not even more noticeable? In the following article we will tell you about it.

What foods cause cellulite?

It is worth noting that food alone will not cause cellulite on the legs, thighs and hips. But if you consume certain foods in excess, the situation is likely to get worse or the treatments you do not be effective enough.

Perhaps you have started with a technique such as mesotherapy or ultracavitation; Maybe you put on an anti-cellulite cream every night or have started a natural exfoliating treatment with coffee …

If you don’t see results, it may be because of what you are eating. Take a look at the foods that would be increasing or worsening cellulite.


Saturated or trans fats are very bad for our health. If you want to lose weight or reduce the pockets of the skin, then you will have to stop consuming them.

For example, fast food is one of the most dangerous and harmful. But so are red meats, sausages and butter.

Try to eat other types of meats (white, such as chicken or turkey, without skin in all cases). Eliminate hamburgers and pizzas completely … Fries too! If you can’t resist the temptation, you can either cross the street or consume them once a month, at the most.


Sugars cause cellulite

White or refined sugar is present in hundreds of products that we consume every day. There are even some that you don’t even know they contain.

It is one of the “foods” (in quotes because it does not feed us at all ) that most cause cellulite, among other consequences. Sugar can be found in:

  • Ice creams.
  • Pastries.
  • Refreshments.
  • Cakes.
  • Candies.
  • Chocolates
  • Sweet cookies.

All very tasty, by the way … And also very addictive. Therefore, you should try not to eat even a portion.

Salt to make cellulite worse

Fluid retention is not only a problem for cellulite (it is one of the most common causes of orange peel skin) but for your health. Eating foods that contain a lot of salt is bad for the body in general.

As with sugar, we usually consume it in dozens of preparations without noticing it. .. And that’s not counting the salt we add to cooking or at the table!

Snacks, soy sauce, and cold cuts are some of the saltiest foods. Instead, try making your own healthy entree recipes (for example, roasting almonds and walnuts). And don’t add salt to your food.



Alcoholic beverages have several consequences for our body, both internally and externally. Alcohol is a harmful toxin for the liver.

When you overdo the amount you drink, it is impossible for liver function to function properly. You will have to work twice as hard to get rid of the waste! Also, do not forget that alcohol (whether in wine, beer or a cocktail) provides many calories and allows fat to settle on the belly or hips.

If you want to drink a glass one day a week, it’s not bad, but don’t make it a habit and if not… Choose a good red wine, which has the ability to fight against free radicals that damage the body!


It is only recommended for external use. That is, as a homemade scrub for cellulite. But not to drink it, and much less in industrial quantities as many are used to.

Today’s life has led us to depend a lot on coffee to be able to work or study. Although it is not the only option we have available.

A cereal bar or fruit juice will give you quality energy without harming your health. And don’t forget that soft drinks (especially cola) and industrial juices also contain caffeine. In many cases, in fairly high doses.


Refined ones make cellulite worse

We have already talked about refined sugar, but there is still more. The foods with this characteristic are all those that have been treated in such a way that they lost all their nutrients.

The clearest example of this is flour. Unlike the integral (which is more natural), the refined one reached that white color by a process of refinement.

In addition to the fact that it will not provide you with anything nutritionally, it will also worsen your health … including your skin! Avoid consuming everything that is prepared with white flour, such as:

  • Pasta.
  • Pizza.
  • Breads
  • Biscuits.


Processed foods are those that contain a large amount of artificial colors and additives. They have the ability to accumulate toxins in the body and not allow to eliminate them easily.

Once they are deposited and piled up between the muscles you need a lot of exercise and diet to say goodbye to them forever. And not to mention what they cause at the dermal level.

So what can I eat to improve cellulite?

When we see a list with so many forbidden things, we think that we will never be able to enjoy food again. But that’s not true.

Among the foods allowed to reduce cellulite (and improve your health) we find:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Vegetables.
  • Skimmed dairy.
  • Whole wheat flours.

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