7 Habits That Will Help Your Children Have Good Defenses

To ensure that our children develop good defenses we must take into account factors such as hygiene, food or rest, which will be decisive to achieve a healthy immune system.

The fact that our children have good defenses is a guarantee of a good life and good health. Therefore, we must ensure that they become stronger over the years, to prevent viruses, bacteria and other external infectious agents from affecting the stability of their health.

When a baby has intact skin without marks, a well-functioning respiratory system and even small hairs are noticed on the nose, it means that it has excellent defenses at that time. But how to stimulate those beneficial defenses? 

7 habits that will help your children have good defenses

The defenses are a part of the body and work as a constellation of antibodies and cells. These become a weapon to attack microorganisms and bacteria found throughout the environment. This is known as the immune system.

Next we are going to know 7 simple and effective habits to strengthen the immune system of your children. Keep reading!

1. The first vaccines

The main source of food and energy for the baby is breast milk. We must try to maintain it as long as possible, because its immune system takes time to mature, while it nourishes it 100%, keeping it from viruses and bacteria.

Likewise, we must also take into account the application of vaccines according to the corresponding calendar. After this we will begin to reinforce it with other factors.

2. Feeding

A balanced diet is essential for our children to have strong and complete defenses. These diets must be made up of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers and controlled fats:

Healthy diet for good defenses

  • Thus, starting with breakfast, it should be made up of balanced meals to give you energy for the rest of the day.
  • For its part, the meal or lunch should be more complete trying to comply with all the nutritional values.
  • Finally, dinners should be light to ensure safe sleep.

3. A good rest

The hours of rest for the child are also of great importance. These help strengthen your immune system and regain energy.

It is very important to get into the habit of taking afternoon naps and going to bed early at night. In this way, we will stimulate the cells that produce defenses.

4. A pollution-free environment

We have to keep our children away from polluted environments. Either in open spaces or within our own home.

Therefore, we have to try that our home is well ventilated so that there are no high temperatures. We must also keep the containers with chemical products in protected places and out of their reach. This way we will prevent them from breathing these gases or that contact with them generates allergic reactions.

In the case of open places like parks, the school or the garden, it is necessary to watch where and with what they play. We must be vigilant so that they do not handle agents that are harmful to your health.

However, we should not completely avoid contact with nature: if we allow it in a controlled way, they will generate antibodies that also serve for their defense.

5. Personal hygiene

From a young age we must instill in them the habit of good hygiene. However, always keeping in mind that the products intended for this do not cause allergies or disorders in your skin.

Children with good defenses

Thus, the culture of washing hands after playing, eating and after their needs is important in their growth. In this way we will be teaching you how to take care of your health and avoid future illnesses.

6. Exercise

Another practice that we must instill from a young age is exercising. Here we can choose for them the sports activity that most attracts their attention. Among the sports that will help you exercise and develop your body we find:

  • Football.
  • Basketball.
  • Swimming.
  • Paddle.

With these activities, it is possible to stimulate oxygenation and the better functioning of your immune system. When you exercise, the white blood cells in your blood flow faster.

7. Constant control

We must have a permanent control of the state of the health of our children through periodic visits to the doctor. This will be able to advise us on the diet and the vitamins that we can give them.

The important thing is to keep them away from polluting factors and give them good nutrition. The result will be optimal health.

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