7 Important Reasons To Eat Breakfast Every Day

Eating breakfast every day is essential for optimal physical and mental performance throughout the day. Discover 7 reasons to do it.

Eating breakfast every day is essential for optimal physical and mental performance throughout the day. Although many ignore it or replace it with unhealthy alternatives, it is one of the most important sources of nutrients for health.

Through its intake the body is given a significant boost of energy. After several hours of rest, this impulse serves to activate the functions of all his systems.

Incidentally, it has beneficial effects on the nervous system and the brain,  while improving mood to achieve better productivity with each challenge that occurs throughout the day. What very few manage to imagine is that, beyond this, there are many other reasons why it should not be missing.

Of course, it should be clarified that at breakfast we must combine all the groups of nutrients. In addition, it must correspond to 25% of the necessary calories. Considering that many do not know its benefits, in the following space we want to highlight the main 7. Do not miss it!

1. Helps to lose weight

Eating breakfast every day helps you lose weight

Although some years ago it was thought that ignoring breakfast was a way to save calories. Today it is known that eating breakfast every day has many more benefits in terms of weight loss.

The nutrients that are absorbed provide a high concentration of energy to the body. In this way they promote metabolic functions that help burn calories. On the other hand, it is one of the best ways to keep you feeling full and avoid snacking between meals or overindulging in calories.

2. Increases physical performance

Because it is a source of “fuel” for all body systems, breakfast is one of the best allies to get all the energy we need on a physical level.

Its essential nutrients act in a positive way at the joint, bone and muscle level, increasing the capacity to carry out activities of high physical demand. Incidentally, it relieves tiredness and feelings of fatigue, which tend to interfere with daily tasks.

3. Improves mood

Eating breakfast every day improves your mood

Mood depends a lot on the energy level of the body. Therefore, a good breakfast is an ideal recharge to be in a good mood.  The nutrients in food stimulate the activity of the brain and nervous system, increasing the production of neurotransmitters for well-being.

Eating a poor-quality breakfast or cutting it out increases the tendency to suffer stress, irritability and other emotional disorders that affect health.

4. Prevents some diseases

Eating a good quality breakfast is a habit that strengthens the immune system to prevent the development of some common illnesses such as the flu and cold.

Substances that are absorbed from food at this time of day balance the functions of vital organs. In addition, they avoid problems such as diabetes and hypertension. In fact, since it must contain fiber and antioxidants, it is a great ally to regulate digestive and metabolic processes.

5. Improves cognitive health

Eating breakfast every day improves cognitive health

The food consumed during this first meal is a “fuel” for the brain that, hours later, helps it to perform optimally in each of its tasks.

Those who eat a breakfast of high nutritional quality tend to have better mental focus compared to those who do not. In addition, in the long term, it participates in the prevention of cognitive deterioration associated with age and diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

6. Eating breakfast every day fights stress

People who have to go through stressful and difficult situations should try to improve the quality of their breakfast. Although it seems that it has nothing to do with it, the foods consumed during this meal  are key to improving the body’s response to threats or problems.

Correct absorption of nutrients combats high levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, and other emotional imbalances.

7. Helps to gain muscle mass

Eating breakfast every day helps you gain muscle mass

Eating protein, carbohydrates and antioxidants for breakfast every day is beneficial for gaining muscle mass. These nutrients ensure optimal use of the body’s energy sources and, incidentally, promote the increase of lean mass as a complement to physical activities.

Are you sure you eat a good breakfast every day? If you’re still substituting coffee and cookies for a healthy breakfast, you might as well consider taking action. Prepare a complete and balanced breakfast plan, and discover for yourself the benefits of having breakfast every day.

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