7 Natural Formulas To Remove Ear Wax

The accumulation of wax in the ears is uncomfortable and can cause unpleasant symptoms. Discover 7 natural formulas to remove ear wax.

Wax or cerumen is a natural lubricant secreted by the glands of the ear canal that acts as a protective barrier against microorganisms and external agents. Although it is natural, it is sometimes excessive and therefore it becomes necessary to remove the wax from the ears.

The problem is usually how to do it. Usually, it is recommended to avoid the use of the classic swabs to avoid damaging the ear. So what are the best options for cleaning earwax? Read on to find out.

How to remove ear wax?

According to data from the United States National Library of Medicine, earwax has a texture similar to that of a gel and is composed of fatty secretions and dead cells that, far from being waste, are responsible for keeping viruses and bacteria away and mushrooms.

For many it is unpleasant, but the real drawback arises when the wax accumulates in excessive amounts. Thus, it can block the duct and cause uncomfortable symptoms such as ringing, decreased hearing and itching, as noted in the study published in Clinical Evidence.

Now, do you know how to remove excess wax? Some widespread practices can cause more damage than one imagines, from the development of serious infections to other pathologies that affect hearing health. For this reason, it is convenient to know methods to remove wax from the ears properly and without causing complications.

1. Mustard oil to remove ear wax

Mustard oil to remove ear wax

Mustard oil is a natural product that would facilitate the removal of excess wax in the ear. Laboratory research published in the Journal of Food Protection concluded that this oil would have antimicrobial properties that would create a protective barrier against germs and lower the risk of infections.

How to use?

  • Heat a few drops of the oil in a water bath.
  • When it reaches a moderate temperature, apply it in the ears.
  • Keep the product for a few minutes and turn your head to remove debris.
  • Repeat on the other side and, finally, clean the surroundings with a little cotton.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Another popular home remedy is washing with a little apple cider vinegar. It is believed that it would decrease excess wax and restore the natural pH. In addition, its application would reduce the presence of microorganisms, control inflammation and prevent the development of infections.

While experts have studied the various health benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar in recent decades, the data is inconclusive and therefore further research is needed.

In fact, one titled Authenticating apple cider vinegar’s home remedy claims: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties and cytotoxicity aspect explains that this vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties but it is not known exactly in what proportion they would be effective.


  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml).
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml).


  • First, dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of warm water.
  • Then pour it into a dropper for easy application.
  • Put 4 or 5 drops in each ear and let it work for several minutes.
  • Repeat it at least once a week.

3. Paraffin oil

Paraffin oil to remove ear wax

This oil has multiple ancient uses. Since time immemorial, it has been used internally as a laxative and topically to beautify the skin. In addition, it would have the ability to curb excess production of match and, in turn, soften the one that is already accumulated. It is worth noting that the evidence in this regard is scarce.

How to use?

  • First, heat the product a little and apply 3 or 4 drops in the ear with the help of a dropper.
  • While you have the oil in your ear, keep your neck bent for a few minutes.
  • Lastly, drain the solution.

4. Almond oil

Among the many applications of almond oil, is its use to clean the ears. The same Cochrane Library study cited in the previous section explains that information regarding its efficacy is not determinative.

How to use?

  • Pour some almond oil into a dropper.
  • Then apply 3-4 drops to the affected ear. Stay in the same position for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, after this time, drain the liquid and clean the surroundings with a soft cloth.

5. Baking soda

baking soda

Another of the most used natural remedies to remove ear wax is baking soda. Its properties would help clean the ear, soften the wax and protect against microorganisms. The truth is that, at present, these data are not verified by science.


  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g).
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml).


  • Add the teaspoon of baking soda to the half cup of warm water.
  • Shake it well and then put a few drops in the ear.
  • Let it act for several minutes, remove the excesses and dry with a soft cloth.

6. Garlic

Garlic is also a natural remedy to remove ear wax. Its proven antibacterial properties would facilitate the cleaning of the ear canal and would stop the growth of bacteria and fungi in it. The effectiveness of the home remedy has not been pointed out by any expert.


  • Garlic.
  • Olive oil.


  • First, you must crush a couple of garlic cloves and heat them in a pan with a little olive oil.
  • Then, wait for it to cool, remove the pieces of garlic.
  • Apply the product with the help of a piece of cotton.
  • Wait a few minutes for it to take effect and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Clean the area with a soft towel and repeat the procedure on the other side.

7. Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps remove ear wax

Coconut oil is another of the natural remedies to remove ear wax, due to its fatty acids. These, added to its antibacterial power, would make it one of the best alternatives to clean and protect the ears. It is worth mentioning that we have not found scientific evidence in this regard.

How to use?

  • First, heat a small amount of coconut oil.
  • Then apply it on the ear with the help of a dropper.
  • Wait about 5 minutes, drain the debris, and wipe the remains with a cloth.
  • Repeat its use at least once a month.

Remove ear wax safely!

As you just noticed, there are many natural options for removing excess wax. Avoid using cotton swabs, candles, or other blunt elements that can cause aggression.

Of course, if you have a wax plug or questions about how to remove it, it is best to go to a otolaryngologist . Finally, if you feel pain in your ear, see a doctor as soon as possible.

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