3 Secrets Of Ancient Wisdom To Be Happy

Despite all the advances we have today, to be happy it is enough to take into account the ancient wisdom, since it has teachings more than valuable

Many of the tips that continue to be presented to us today to be happy are not new, but come from ancient wisdom. A wisdom that seems to have been relegated to later times but that, curiously, we still have to bring to the world today because we have not been able to internalize everything it wants to convey to us.

In this article we are going to discover 3 secrets of ancient wisdom that will be very important that we put into practice from today. In fact, you too can apply knowledge of the past to improve your life in the present.

Next, we share 3 secrets of ancient wisdom to put into practice. Also, to improve your life and be happier.

1. Control only what you can control and ignore the rest

The first of the secrets of ancient wisdom is very important, since how many times do we want to control things that are not in our power? Faced with a problem that plagues us, a concern that keeps us in suspense, we need to ask ourselves if we can do something about it or not.

The Stoics already said: Can I do something about this problem? If I can, then I will take action. If I can’t do anything, then I’ll accept it.

Dandelion representing letting go of what cannot be controlled.

However, we never act in this wise way. We hit the same wall over and over again, wearing ourselves out. Also, undermining our self-esteem and making us anxious.

We cannot always control everything, because there are things that happen even if we don’t want to. Assuming this will relieve us of a heavy burden, because sometimes we want to take responsibility for things that we cannot. This, sometimes, is the result of some fear, insecurities or any other problem that prevents us from letting go.

Let us allow ourselves to flow, accept and not become so obsessed by what we know we cannot control. The best comes when we learn to let go of that control.

2. Accept and stop denying

Accepting is one of the most difficult things in our life, because sometimes it means stopping adopting the role of victims. When we do not accept an illness, a situation or a period of our life that is not going quite well, we begin to deny what is happening and to rebel against it.

This situation is as absurd as seeing that it is raining and denying it. Or rebel against it nonstop. Did we win something? Can we change the situation? The answer is a resounding “no”, in which our only option is to accept what is happening.

Why does this denial occur in the face of reality? Because of our expectations, what we consider good luck and bad luck… All this leads us to suffering and putting into practice a resistance that will be useless.

We are not victims, the world is not against us. Things happens. Let us accept what is not in our hands to be able to change. Doing the opposite, according to the Stoics, is wasting a great deal of our energy.

3. You are responsible for your life

Woman smiling in a meadow in summer.

The third of the secrets of ancient wisdom is very important in order to eliminate guilt from our lives. We tend to blame our parents for how bad they were to us. However, now we are adults!

As Seneca already said: “we say that we do not choose our parents, who were given to us by chance, but we can choose which children we want to be “.

Looking back and regretting everything that happened will not do us any good. It is a way of excusing our inability to do something in the face of all the difficulties that are not ravaging at the present time.

However, we are adults, we have the power to travel a different path than the one our parents traced. Now we are responsible for our lives, no one else. What is that we want to do?

Final thoughts on the secrets of ancient wisdom to be happy

Today is the day to begin to let go of control of what we cannot do anything about, to accept situations as they arise and to start taking the helm of our lives. Falling into obsession, denial, and guilt will only bring us unhappiness.

Taking responsibility for ourselves, our well-being, will help us walk the path of life in a more assertive and conscious way. This, in turn, will positively drive us towards different places.

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