7 Toxic People You Must Drive Away To Be Happy

Toxic people are insecure of themselves and tend to take their frustrations out on those around them. How to recognize them? We share some keys with you.

There are several types of toxic people, so we are not always going to find the same face or the same reproaches. Could you identify the different types of harmful attitudes typical of these people? Don’t worry, we will also give you a review below.

Toxic people have different faces

Although it is natural to be discouraged by certain difficulties, our usual positive mood returns sooner rather than later. Now, what happens if those around us are characterized by their reproaches and continuous pessimistic attitudes? Bottom line : we can break down and stop feeling good, even about ourselves.

Encountering people who continually despise the positive aspects of others or who try to convey their own insecurities to them can become a serious obstacle in the way. 

Let’s see what are the different types of toxic people that exist and why it is advisable to distance yourself from them, before they can do harm.

1. The profiteer

The profiteer - toxic people

There are several types of profiteers, but we are going to emphasize the two most common: manipulators and those who want to give pity.

The former are those who benefit from their social status, abilities or any quality to make you feel inferior or dependent. They adopt a dominant attitude to get you to fulfill all their wishes, even if you don’t want to.

On the other hand, they are also toxic people who want to give pity. What they want is to awaken all your empathy so that you get involved in their problems or feel obliged to support them.

Of course, it is reasonable to help a friend in a difficult time, but the matter is different when this becomes a constant commitment.

2. He who does not assume his responsibility

A person unable to recognize their mistakes, who places the blame and responsibilities on others, is someone who has a negative influence on their environment.

Not only does he convey such attitudes, but at some point he makes others his victims. Detecting such behaviors is essential to avoid falling into blackmail or assuming unnecessary burdens.

3. Who doesn’t like you

Despite the fact that in practice it is almost impossible for everyone to like us, there are those who judge and reject us without hardly knowing us. These types of toxic people are bothered by our mere presence.

Therefore, efforts to like them will be useless in any case. Before we get burned out by this situation, let’s focus on our real circle of friends and loved ones.

Who does not like you

4. The one who does not leave his comfort zone

These people fear everything and want you to also feel afraid of living experiences different from everyday life.

However, the fact that someone decides to function in this way does not justify that others are coerced into imitating or copying their example. The concerns that each one has will run their course regardless of what others do.

5. The one who points out your flaws is one of the worst toxic people

We all have defects and knowing them is a good stimulus to overcome and improve them. However, receiving criticism in a constructive way is not the same as having to accept hostile comments based on our weaknesses.

In the first situation, learning and personal growth are possible, but in the second, self-esteem will deteriorate and the possibilities for change will be nullified.

The one who points out your flaws

6. The one who fills you with doubts

Sometimes it is useful to have someone help us to perceive the risks of the decisions we make or the situations to which we expose ourselves. However, this kind of warning is different from the response model that magnifies doubts and hinders the wishes of others.

That is to say, we may find people who assume their life with fear, who remain in their routine and who want others to be like that too. For this reason, it is dedicated to sabotaging the projects of others, sowing insecurity and pessimism.

7. The lazy

Laziness is often said to be a contagious “disease ,” and this appears to be true. Sometimes, the motivation with which we function from day to day can be resented by the halo left by those who complain and who all the time prolong their plans and purposes.

In fact, studies such as the one developed by the Peking University Department of Psychology report that the emotions of others are transmitted to their environment and influence the mood of those around them.

The lazy one

What do these types of toxic people give us?

As you can see, there are several types of toxic people and all of them are capable of harming us in one way or another. Detecting the warning signs and attending to them in time can help us prevent problems, maintain emotional balance and preserve our well-being.

On the other hand, identifying if we ourselves have these attitudes with others can be useful when experiencing personal growth and improving our environment, as well as our own inner world. 

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