How To Achieve A Quality Sleep

Beyond exercising or avoiding alcoholic beverages and stimulants, choosing a correct position at bedtime will be what brings us the most benefits.

Minimizing health risks and increasing overall well-being is the goal when you want to enjoy a good quality of life. Now, how to achieve it is a frequent question. Therefore, today we will give you some tips to achieve quality sleep.

Although it may not seem like it, having a good sleep routine is essential for health. In fact, it has been found that poor sleep stimulates poor diet, while altering emotions and the ability to concentrate. In addition, it could increase the risk of developing different diseases, such as obesity.

Excessive consumption of coffee, exercising at inappropriate times, carrying out different routines each day and choosing different times to go to bed are all enemies of a true rest.

Don’t ignore sleep disorders

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and greatly affects quality of life. Discovering its causes and applying correct sleep hygiene, together with the doctor’s recommendations, helps to improve well-being in a comprehensive way. 

Another common but much more dangerous disorder is sleep apnea. It can trigger high blood pressure and brain and heart problems, especially myocardial infarction. Those who suffer from it stop breathing for at least ten seconds, several times during the night, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. In these cases, early medical treatment is essential.

Whether there is a sleep disorder or not, it is clear that we need to sleep well. Or rather, it is not just about sleeping , but about resting well.

Some tips to achieve a quality sleep

consequences of not sleeping well

These tips to get a quality sleep will provide a restful rest, and will minimize the impact of stress hormones and with it, the risk of suffering from coronary and vascular diseases.

Adapt to the needs of the body

Although it has been said that the ideal for an adult is to sleep between 7 and 8 hours in a row, without interruption, each organism is different.

  • The important thing is that the person can specify the hours they need for a full rest and establish it as the norm. It will depend on your pace of life.

Dispense with stimulants

The consumption of coffee, chocolate, tea, cola drinks and other types of stimulants is at odds with good rest. To prevent them from affecting us, we will have to do without them from the afternoon.

This means that, for example, after 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. we should not drink a very dark coffee if we intend to go to sleep around 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Opt for a light dinner

Light dinner

It is not advisable to go to bed hungry. The ideal is to learn to eat lightly.

A light dinner, without fat or diuretic components, at least three hours before going to sleep, will not interfere with sleep.

  • We must avoid foods such as bacon, cheese, nuts or red wine, which contain tyramine. These release norepinephrine, a brain stimulant that can keep you awake all night.

Exercise regularly

Since physical activity raises the body temperature, it is not recommended to do it near bedtime.

On the other hand, exercising regularly in the morning after breakfast, or in the afternoon,  before dinner, consumes energy that will be recovered at night. This helps you get a good rest.

Forget alcohol and tobacco

Absorption of alcohol

The belief that a glass of alcohol facilitates sleep is only half true. In the initial stage, brain activity decreases, but later it will alter sleep. Also nicotine dependence can disrupt sleep. Spending several hours without smoking creates a feeling of deprivation.

Thus, it is advisable to definitely stop smoking. Maintaining sleeping hours, including weekends, will regularize this activity.

  • The tryptophan in milk, an amino acid that regulates serotonin levels in the brain, makes having a glass before going to bed a great help.
  • Eggs and whole grains also provide us with tryptophan.

Take a little nap

During the day, the ideal is to go to bed when you feel sleepy. Napping for no more than 30 minutes is healthy. This will help to relax the body and will not interfere with your night’s sleep.

On the other hand, a nap of more than 50 minutes could be detrimental when it comes to wanting to fall asleep at night.

 No noise, lights or heat


It is good to turn off the television and radio. If total silence is not achieved, earplugs are a good option.

  •  The room must be dark and with a temperature close to 20ºC.
  • Drinking a few drops of valerian or an infusion of linden or chamomile before bed relaxes and facilitates rest.
  • Some perfumes, oils or creams contain fragrances that induce sleep, but they must always be used in very little quantity.

Take a good position

  • Lying on your back minimizes neck damage, as well as pressure on the lungs, headaches, and insomnia.
  • According to specialists, sleeping on the left side favors the activity of the heart, circulation, digestion and lymphatic drainage.
  • Doing it the other way, on the other hand, increases esophageal reflux.

By following these tips, you can improve your sleep routine, but keep in mind that your doctor will always have the last word. Therefore, if you have any concerns or consider that you need more specific strategies to achieve a good rest, consult with the professional. He will tell you what is best for you and why.

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