Basil Remedy For Alopecia

Do you often lose your hair, either due to medical problems or heredity? Discover below a remedy that can improve the condition of your hair.

In autumn and spring, hair usually falls out in greater quantity but, in some cases, there are other health reasons that can promote alopecia. In this article we explain how you can make a simple home remedy with basil infusion to get stronger and thicker hair and reduce hair loss.

Why do we suffer from alopecia?

It is very common for the hair to fall a little more in the autumn and spring seasons and is part of the natural regeneration of the body since, after a few weeks, the hair is back as usual.

However, in some cases, these periods can be lengthened to the point that we begin to notice a significant loss of hair density. That is when we must find out what the cause is to carry out the appropriate treatment.

The most frequent are the following:

  • Nutritional deficits.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Stress.
  • Continuous exposure to aggressive chemicals with our scalp.
  • Genetic predisposition.

The natural remedy that we propose below is suitable to be carried out in parallel with a personalized treatment or even to act against hair loss in the halftime seasons.


This plant (Ocimum Basilicum in the scientific nomenclature) is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine to flavor all kinds of dishes: salads, pasta, rice, creams and sauces, etc.

On the other hand, in natural medicine there is evidence of its properties to inhibit the 5 alpha reductase enzyme, the excess of which is present in many cases of alopecia.

basil amanda slater

How do we prepare the lotion?

This hair lotion is very easy to prepare. We will only need two ingredients:

  • 150 grams of fresh basil leaves.
  • 1 liter of water.

How do we make it?

  1. We will put the water and the basil to boil for twenty minutes.
  2. We will crush the leaves well so that they release the active principles of the plant.
  3. If we do not get fresh leaves, we will use dried leaves, in which case they will only have to boil for five minutes and rest for another ten.
  4. We will strain the liquid and keep it in a glass jar in the fridge.

This amount will serve us approximately four applications of 200 ml (1 glass) each.

Christian Kaden green tea

How do we apply it?

  • This lotion should be applied after normal hair washing as a rinse. We can apply it with a glass or with a spray container.
  • Afterwards, we will no longer lighten the hair, but we will gently massage the scalp while it dries.
  • This massage should be slow. We will make circles by slightly squeezing the scalp, so that we notice that we are moving it.
  • This simple massage will improve the absorption of the properties of basil and activate the blood flow, so that we will surely notice a pleasant sensation in the head immediately.
  •  Over time we can see  how the hair is stronger and the hair loss is less.

Supplements against alopecia

All natural treatment must be focused internally and externally, and that of alopecia cannot be less. First, we must put ourselves in the hands of a specialist to find out the cause of the problem. At the same time, there are natural supplements that help us strengthen hair and minimize hair loss.

  • Brewer’s yeast: Excellent supplement for skin, hair, and nails. It helps us to strengthen the hair and reduce its fall.
  • Maca: This Andean root is also a frequent remedy to improve the condition of our hair.
  • Flax oil : Rich in fatty acids, this oil provides shine and nutrition to our hair. Ideal for when you suffer from alopecia and dryness.

hair hair Amber Strocel

General care

People who are prone to hair problems such as seborrhea, brittle hair, dryness, dandruff or alopecia should pay special attention to all the products they use. These products are usually too harsh for the hair, due to the chemicals they contain.

These components offer a radiant appearance right after use, but the next day the hair is usually the same or worse and, in the long run, it becomes weaker and falls out more easily.

In addition to avoiding conventional shampoos, they should also limit or dispense with hairdressing treatments such as dyes or permanent hairstyles, at least during the stages that the hair is regenerating.

Yes, we can opt from time to time for a more natural treatment, based on products such as keratin, which help us to strengthen the hair and give it volume.

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