Beauty Tips To Show Off A Thinner And Thinner Face

How can you get a thinner face without having to suffer? Forget about those ideas about cosmetic operations to reduce cheekbones. With these simple beauty tips, you will be able to notice your face somewhat thinner  without having to make efforts.

Of course, to the following keys you can also add the instructions of an aesthetic professional, who will surely be able to guide you with greater precision and based on your facial characteristics. However, it is convenient to review them to take them into account and apply them when necessary. Take note!

1. The best hairstyle for a finer face

In order to show off a finer face, it would be advisable to avoid curly or wavy hair. When it falls on the face, it manages to further mark broad features, so it is better to try to always look straight or stepped.

The best advice is that straight hair refines the cheeks and, if you always tend to have it curly, try to make the waves as soft as possible. Also avoid that the length is up to the jaw. Longer or even shorter is best, but never at this height as it makes that part of the face appear wider.

Ideally, the cut is above the chin, so that the eyes go to the cheekbones. Thus a smoother effect is achieved, a thinner face.

And what about the bangs? Short, long, with bangs or without bangs? In this case, the most flattering is the side and asymmetrical bangs, as you can see in the image above. With this cut, roundness is concealed and features are softened.

As a last point to keep in mind, it is best to part one side. It is preferable never to do it in the center, since dividing the face ‘into two parts’ hardens the features.

2. Makeup for a slimmer face

When it comes to makeup, there are several issues to consider. Therefore, in addition to advising you to consult with a professional to guide you to get what you are looking for, we can also offer you the following beauty keys:

Soft colors on the lips

soft lip color

Many women are passionate about strong colors, but the best way to refine the face is to opt for soft tones. In this way, the balance of the face is more uniform.

If you choose pink tones or a nice nude , the mouth looks more elongated, which is precisely what you want to make it look like a thinner face.

The right blush on the cheeks

Do you usually use blushes? If so, great, they are a great ally in these cases. To make the face look thinner, it would be perfect to use a bronzer that brings light and nuances to the cheeks. Try following these directions:

  • Use a brush diagonally from the center of the cheek to the hairline.
  • Make a line that ends at the highest part of the face and another near the corners of the forehead.
  • Always look for a diagonal line and never straight, since this way the light from the blush draws a thinner and rounded face.
  • Shades that give light are very suitable, such as a radiant and luminous blush or one with a tan effect.

What shades are the most suitable?

Eye shadows

If they make up their eyes a lot, it is necessary to do without using a strong color on the lips. On the other hand, if a strong color is chosen for the mouth, the eye makeup should be very soft.

Use mascara or eyeliner; it will be perfect for all the light to focus on the gaze. Choose those colors that best suit the color of your eyes and use shadows with which you get luminosity for a finer face.

Can eyebrows help create a fine face?

Of course they can help, a lot. You already know that broad and striking eyebrows are in fashion lately. Therefore, it can be very useful to follow these keys:

  • What should be done is to outline them properly, but getting them to be broad in outline and end in a fine point at the end, in the direction of the forehead.
  • This gives a precious frame to the eyes, they shine more and, as always, all the attention is offered to the upper part of the face.
  • With stepped hair and side bangs, you can undoubtedly achieve a much softer image.


Finally, remember that with proper nutrition and these simple beauty keys, you can show off a finer face. Go ahead and experiment and check your results!

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