Benefits Of Including Seaweed In Salads

In recent years the consumption of algae has increased. These sea vegetables have many properties, thanks to their nutrients that help maintain good health. For this reason, they are beneficial for the body. Next we are going to mention the positive of including seaweed in salads and how to do it properly.

Before starting, we must emphasize that the intake of vegetables is recommended. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises consuming 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, due to the nutrients they keep under their belt. We are not only talking about vitamins or minerals, but also important antioxidants.

Benefits of algae in food

We are going to review the main benefits of including seaweed in your diet, to continue offering a series of tips on how to insert it into salads.

Prevent anemia

Algae stand out for their micronutrient content. Among them is iron, a mineral with low digestibility and bioavailability. These characteristics make it necessary to include it in the daily diet in optimal quantities. Otherwise, you could suffer from anemia in the medium term, as stated by research published in the journal The Medical Clinics of North America .

It should be noted that many algae also contain vitamin C. This substance acts synergistically with iron, enhancing its absorption. This pair becomes essential in the case of plant foods with high levels of the mineral, since its bioavailability is much higher in products of animal origin.

Green algae with iron.

Reduce intestinal problems

Another characteristic of algae is the presence of fiber in its composition. This substance is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, as it is capable of reducing constipation and many other diseases associated with this organ. This is stated in a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences .

To maximize fiber intake, it is recommended to include lots of vegetables in your diet. In addition, when we have to choose foods high in carbohydrates, it is preferable to opt for grains and whole grains. Among them, oatmeal stands out, which contains beta glucans beneficial for the intestine.

They help delay aging

As we have mentioned, vegetables are positive for health due to the presence of antioxidants in them. Most of the substances that act to slow down aging processes are usually pigments.

It has been shown that their regular intake is capable of reducing the incidence of chronic diseases. In addition, they can serve as adjuvants in the treatment of pathologies associated with cell degeneration, such as certain neurodegenerative disorders of the brain and nerves.

It is even possible to find studies in the current scientific literature that link the antioxidants in green algae with a reduction in the risk of cancer. However, more specific and sustained advances are necessary to confirm whether the extract of these nutrients would be effective in the context of oncological development.

How to include seaweed in salads?

The best way to consume seaweed is to buy it fresh, although you can also get it dehydrated and immerse it in water for a few minutes, prior to ingesting it. Wakame is one of the most appreciated for its organoleptic qualities and has the advantage that it can be included in salads directly.

We advise you, when using seaweed in salads, to opt for a preparation with a high content of vegetables and a quality protein source, such as tuna or egg. In this way, you will obtain a preparation that contains all the essential nutrients.

If you also require a carbohydrate intake, choose a pseudocereal such as quinoa or buckwheat. Avoid adding pasta or couscous, since these derivatives of refined wheat semolina are somewhat aggressive for the pancreas, and can weaken its health in the case of sedentary people, requiring a greater secretion of insulin.

Seaweed on a plate.

Include seaweed in salads to improve health

If you want your diet to be more complete than it has been so far, consider the option of including seaweed in salads. In this way, you can provide essential micronutrients for the functioning of the body, such as fiber and iron, both necessary for the development of physiological reactions that allow an adequate quality of life.

At the same time, you will make sure to ingest high quality antioxidants, useful for the prevention of complex and chronic diseases. Remember to combine these sea vegetables with a protein of high biological value and with other representatives of the group of fruits and vegetables. You will gain in taste and health.

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