Breakfast To Relieve Headache In The Morning

A headache in the morning is a nuisance that, in many cases, can be resolved by eating a good breakfast. However, this should never be the only measure that should be taken, especially if the pain is associated with other symptoms or if there is a diagnosed condition.

While a good breakfast may be recommended, it is not enough. You have to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and, in the event of persistent discomfort, go to the doctor.

Possible causes of headache in the morning

  • Not having eaten the night before : It is believed that this discomfort could appear when the body needs energy.
  • Morning apnea headache : many people suffer from this problem and do not realize that those little snoring we make when we sleep and the morning headache are symptoms of apnea.
  • Having committed excesses the night before : eating badly or in large quantities due to parties, drinking alcohol or staying up late are direct causes of a headache in the morning.
  • Bruxism : it happens when, without realizing it, we clench our teeth or jaw while sleeping. It can appear at any age and cause discomfort, especially in the lateral areas of the face. In addition, it can cause contractures at the cervical level, which in turn, also cause headaches.
  • Incorrect posture when sleeping : you must take care of the way and the posture in which you sleep. Sometimes poor posture hinders blood circulation and can cause discomfort, according to data from a study published in the Journal of the Spanish Pain Society.

Woman sleeping badly / headache in the morning

  • Dehydration: different studies indicate that, during the night, we do not consume liquids and this causes the blood vessels in the head to contract to mobilize the little existing liquid, thus the arrival of oxygen to the brain could be hindered and discomfort appear.
  • Some drugs : the Cuban Journal of Medicine points out in one of its articles that anti-inflammatories, for example, can cause headaches if we take them frequently.
  • Insomnia : An investigation published in The Journal of Headache and Pain has observed that a high percentage of the people studied who suffered from insomnia also had headaches.
  • Anxiety or depression : experts have pointed out that both conditions are related to migraine. 
  • High blood pressure : Mild to moderate hypertension would cause a headache.

Adequate breakfasts for the morning headache

In addition to having a good breakfast, we recommend that you maintain good hydration throughout the day. To do this, you must take into account your needs. Remember: you must hydrate even when you do not feel thirsty.

Option 1

  • 1 cup of coffee.
  • An oat toast with olive oil.
  • A small bowl with diced pineapple and cucumber (you can juice these foods instead of a salad, if desired)

    We must bear in mind that one of the keys to reducing the risk of suffering from a headache is to be well hydrated, hence, in the morning we should include plenty of fluids at breakfast.

    Option 2

    • An infusion or a strawberry juice.
    • 40 minutes later a coffee or a chamomile.
    • A spinach salad with pineapple.
    • A cucumber juice with half an apple.

    Spinach and pineapple

    We will prepare a salad with chopped pineapple and a handful of fresh spinach. Hydration will be obtained through the juice of a small cucumber and half an apple. This smoothie will suit us very well.

    Option 3

    • A glass of almond drink.
    • An oatmeal bread sandwich with a hard-boiled egg and a few drops of olive oil. If you wish, it can also be an omelette with small pieces of ham and pieces of celery.
    • A bowl with diced watermelon, walnuts, and a few grapes.


    This is another of the breakfasts that could help you relieve a headache. We will start with the almond drink. While the existing data is conflicting, it is believed that both almonds and their oil would have anti-inflammatory effects.

    Eggs would also be suitable, as coenzyme Q10 would have analgesic effects, according to a study in mice. Of course, further research in humans would be necessary to corroborate the data. Hydration will be achieved thanks to grapes and watermelons.

    To consider

    Although good hydration and a balanced diet can help us to enjoy good health, it is necessary to support a healthy lifestyle to avoid suffering discomfort such as a headache in the morning.

    It is always worth remembering that no food (food or drink) alone is a remedy against a discomfort or illness. In case you have a health problem, it is best to go to your doctor and follow his instructions. 

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