CaCo Method: Lose Weight By Walking

The CaCo  method is an alternative to regain physical shape and lose weight without risking injury after prolonged periods of physical inactivity. It can be a good option for people who cannot do strenuous exercise, or are just getting back to their routines.

What exactly does it consist of? What are its benefits? This time we want to solve these questions. In addition, we detail its main advantages and how to start implementing it.

What is the CaCo method ?

The name of this method comes from the mixture of walking (Ca) and running (Co) . Therefore, as its name suggests, it is about resuming or beginning physical activity by alternating these two activities in the same exercise session. That is, walking intervals will be combined with running intervals.

CaCo method: lose weight by walking

What are the advantages of this method?

Whether you have decided to start physical activity starting from a sedentary life, or if you are a regular athlete but have been without training these months, the CaCo method has interesting advantages .

You must bear in mind that being in good physical shape leads, on the one hand, to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. This means that the heart and lungs work well and are used to adapting to the intensity of exercise in order to continue supplying the body with blood and oxygen.

On the other hand, a good physical condition allows the muscles, tendons and the musculoskeletal system to be in good condition to do the activity you propose, at the intensity you want.

The problem arises if you start exercising abruptly, pushing yourself too hard, as the body may not respond as it should. Consequently, the risk of tendon injuries, muscle tears, dizziness and other negative effects increases.

Therefore, whether you are starting a new active lifestyle or resuming your old training rhythm, you must make sure that you recondition your cardiovascular and circulatory systems. In this way, little by little, you will improve your physical form without suffering injuries.

How to get started with the CaCo method ?

The first thing you should take into account before doing any type of physical activity is preparing and warming up the body. A proper warm-up will protect you against injuries of all kinds. Once you’ve warmed up and chosen the environment in which to exercise, you can get going.

It’s about finding your own rhythm and setting the series without pushing yourself too hard. Thus, the first days you can alternate, for example, series of one minute running and four minutes walking, for a total of twenty or thirty minutes.

As the days progress, you can modify these series to increase their intensity. That is, you can continue with a series of two minutes running and three minutes of walking. Then three running and two walking… and so on, indefinitely.

For this exercise to be even more effective, you must ensure that the walking minutes are dynamic. This means that you will not walk like a walk, but you will do it at a fast pace. In addition, you will also help yourself from the upper part, that is, the trunk and the arms.

Running woman

The benefits of the method

Starting or resuming an active life is always going to improve health. If you also accompany this physical activity with a healthy diet, success is guaranteed. Keeping a record, little by little you will begin to notice results such as the following:

  • More toned muscles.
  • Loss of fat.
  • Better mood.
  • Less anxiety and tension.
  • Better lung capacity.

If, in addition to this, you do it in a coherent and responsible way, adjusting your physical capacities and going at your own pace, you will protect yourself against injuries that can become very annoying. 

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