Can This Drink Help You Control Cholesterol And Burn Fat?

Excess so-called bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood often causes cardiovascular disease. This natural drink based on lemon and parsley could help you correct the excess of the so-called bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes and plays a very important role in cell division, according to scientific studies. However, the excess of so-called bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood often causes serious damage to health. An example of this are the problems of obstruction of the arteries and cardiovascular diseases.

In this article, we propose a natural drink that could help you control cholesterol and burn fat.

When a person is diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, it is important to watch the diet. Among other things, reduce the consumption of foods rich in fat.

Fortunately, in addition to diet, there are also other natural remedies that can contribute to this purpose. It is popularly believed, although there is no scientific evidence to support it, that the following home remedy can help lower cholesterol. To this end,  the home remedy that we suggest consists of a drink whose main ingredients are lemon and parsley.

What are the benefits of this natural drink?

Benefits of parsley

Parsley is a food widely used in the kitchen of almost all cultures. It is very versatile, which is why it is presented in a myriad of dishes.

Beyond its culinary use, parsley is also valued for its diuretic properties. In other words, it can help  eliminate a large number of toxins that could otherwise affect health.

Its benefits are due to its high content of essential oils and flavonoids, such as luteolin, according to research.

Additionally, parsley contains significant amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, which are key to a strong immune system. And, therefore, an organism free from infections and diseases.

Lemon benefits


Thanks to its high content of citroflavonoids, vitamin C, antioxidants and natural essential oil, lemon is popularly believed to help clean arteries and fight cholesterol. Lemon prevents cholesterol from sticking to the walls of the arteries. There is no scientific evidence to support it currently.

Thus, its antioxidants are believed to make it an effective resource to combat free radicals, eliminate retained fluids in the body and toxins that could affect health. In fact, the consumption of lemon juice also stimulates the burning of fat and, therefore, promotes weight loss, although this effect has not been scientifically proven. 

How to prepare this drink?


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 bunches of parsley
  • 1 kg of lemons
  • Some baking soda


  • Try to use organic lemons. This way we will be sure that they do not have traces of pesticides. Otherwise, it is recommended to wash the lemons with baking soda dissolved in water to disinfect them.
  • Once the lemons are clean, they are cut into a wheel and set aside.
  • Bring the water to a boil and let it cool.
  • When it has cooled, add the lemons and finely chopped parsley.
  • Cover the mixture well and put it to cool in the fridge or refrigerator.
  • Finally, stir with a spoon before consuming the resulting drink.
  • Drink 3 1/2 ounces (about 100 ml) every day.

It is recommended, by popular belief and not by scientific evidence, to drink it on an empty stomach, to take full advantage of all its benefits during the rest of the day. To obtain the expected results, it is important to consume it regularly, at least until checking that the cholesterol levels have dropped.

Another thing you can do for your health is to abandon bad habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

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