Celery And Green Apple Salad For Your Dinners

If you’ve never tried celery and green apple salad, this is the time. It is a delicious and healthy proposal that can become an ideal dish for dinner.

Combining fruits and vegetables is always advisable. In fact, one thing we already know is that fruit eaten after meals is not always properly digested. On the other hand, including a piece of fruit in our salads, such as a piece of pineapple, an avocado, an apple or even a little natural orange, gives our dishes a touch of exceptional flavor and a high percentage of nutrients.

Therefore, we encourage you to try this fabulous celery and green apple salad. To convince you, we give you 4 good reasons.

Salad benefits

We are going to comment on the benefits of consuming this salad, as well as the position of science in this regard.

1. Great for losing weight

Celery has a high water content, almost 95%. While the apple has about 85% It also has fiber, especially pectin, which is responsible for helping us satisfy our appetite. It has also been shown that this element is important to prevent the development of chronic intestinal diseases.

The apple is one of the most appropriate foods to increase the amount of healthy bacteria and take care of the intestinal flora. Both apple and celery are two easily digestible foods and, when combined, you get a meal with a certain diuretic, anti-inflammatory and, at the same time, detoxifying effect.

It is also important to remember that we must prepare our salad with raw celery and green apple with skin. In this way, we will take advantage of its natural benefits much more.

2. You will improve cholesterol levels

Rejuvenate your body by eating celery

A very suitable way to regulate cholesterol levels is through the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables that have a high concentration of water and, of course, several nutrients.

Foods such as celery, and especially the extracts of its seeds, are very beneficial, thanks to their antihypertensive properties.

  • On the other hand, the green apple is very beneficial when it comes to improving cholesterol metabolism.
  • Both the pectin and the polyphenols present in your skin allow us to reduce bad cholesterol or LDL, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
  • In addition, we will also reduce the production of inflammatory molecules related to heart disease.

3. Reduces the risk of diabetes

This green apple and celery salad is ideal for our last meal of the day. One of its most interesting properties is, without a doubt, that of reducing blood sugar levels.

Celery is one of the best foods with hypoglycemic effects. Also, celery has potassium and vitamin C, two fabulous elements to improve liver metabolism.

For its part, the green apple has a very low glycemic level. It is suitable for people with diabetes and for those who are looking, above all, for foods that allow regulating their blood sugar level. It must be taken into account that there is evidence that regular fiber intake is an adequate strategy to minimize the risk of developing metabolic pathologies.

Also, apples contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates. The scarce sugars they have are those of the fruit, with which, they can be good substitutes for other types of carbohydrates, such as cereals or dairy products.

4. Satisfy your appetite before going to sleep

Green apple

We can combine this celery and green apple salad with either a grilled chicken or turkey breast.

In these last hours of the day we need to eat foods that are easy to digest and that also reduce emotional tension  in order to get a good sleep.

This salad can help you. The essential oil of natural celery is, as we have already indicated, a good regulator of blood pressure.

  • The alpha-linolenic acid in celery, for its part, also has a good anti-inflammatory effect capable of reducing muscle tension and pain. 
  • Something as simple as combining celery and green apple will help us to end cramps and relieve those muscular tensions so common after a day of work.
  • Also, thanks to the fructose in the apple we will have that right level of sugar, so adequate in the body. In this way, the liver receives adequate fuel to carry out its metabolic tasks.
  • As a curiosity we will tell you that, if throughout the day you have exceeded your diet, when consuming products with high fat or sugar content, this salad will help you balance the body to enjoy an adequate night’s rest.

    Discover: 7 worst ingredients you can add to your salads

    Celery and Green Apple Salad Recipe

    celery and green apple salad


    • Endive.
    • 1 green apple.
    • 1 stick of celery.
    • Walnuts (to taste)
    • Olive oil (to taste)
    • 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar of Modena (10 ml).


    • Clean all the ingredients well.
    • Cut the apple into slices. Discard the heart and seeds.
    • Cut the celery into thin slices (just over a centimeter long).
    • On a plate, place the endive as a base. On top, add the celery and green apple slices.
    • Finally, add the chopped walnuts and season with a little balsamic vinegar of Modena and olive oil.

    Include celery and green apple salad in your diet

    You’ll have this celery and green apple salad made in less than 10 minutes. Make sure, as always, that the products are preferably organically grown. Keep in mind that it is necessary to introduce it in the context of a balanced and healthy diet.

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