Choose The Music According To The Activity

Music is part of us. You don’t have to be a music lover to do this. In fact, most people have a preferred musical genre or music intended to accompany particular activities, moments, or occasions.

Surely, you already know that a song for an afternoon cleaning at home is not the same as a list of topics to go to party or to be able to study all night or exercise.

Here are some tips to choose the music you need according to the activity and the moment. Because M Many times we need a spark that leads us to the reunion of what we were looking for so much to feel completely at ease.

Music and humor

With music we can achieve tranquility, emotion, reminiscence, sociability, catharsis …

Couple listening to music

Music awakens emotions because it activates regions in the brain that, in turn, generate responses. In other words, the emotions we feel when listening to a certain song are a response from the brain.

Like, dislike, joy, sadness, anger, fear, are some of the emotions we can feel when listening to music. And depending on the mood of the moment, we will tend to listen to one type of music or another.

Many people turn to music to express their emotions and release them, while others use a song to completely change their mood. In this sense, there are no rules.

It all depends on your mood and, above all, on the activities or tasks you do. We can even create a list of topics according to our mood.

While it is true that many applications can create a list of songs for us, it is very effective and pleasant to make our own lists. Why? because in this way we can create or modify the songs at our convenience.

Think for a moment: How are you feeling right now? Asleep, stressed, happy, depressed? What are you doing? The topics you choose can be the key to feeling better or performing better. Many of us can’t start the day if we don’t hear our favorite song on the way to work.

Music and activities

Hearing certain songs stimulates important human abilities such as memory, creativity and understanding. For this reason, more and more companies put a musical thread in the work environments to increase the performance of their employees and to make them feel more comfortable.

Music is useful for many reasons, but for it to have the desired effect, we must choose the right melodies or rhythms. Otherwise, you can become a bad companion.

1. For routine or simple tasks

If you have a monotonous job you can choose a varied list of songs, which will keep you active and in a good mood.  Try to choose catchy themes, with simple lyrics and that make you move your head or shoulders to the rhythm. No slow or heavy rhythms.

2. For complex tasks

If your job requires you to focus your best (for example doing calculations, writing reports or assembling pieces) you need music to help you. Songs without lyrics (instrumental) or perhaps sung in another language are recommended.

The idea is that the music does not distract you, but rather that it accompanies you and makes the atmosphere more pleasant. But, c hen you need to take a break in your day, you can try listening to stimulating songs that fill you with energy.

3. To study or learn

If you have to prepare a report or do mathematical exercises, we advise you to listen to classical or instrumental music, since another style can distract your brain.

4. To do exercises

If you plan to do physical activity at home, in the park or in the gym, you need a list of songs that motivate you. When the body does not want to do a sit-up or run another kilometer, music will help you not to give up. But it has to be lively and fun.

If you go to a gym or sports center, avoid listening to the same music you listen to there. In this way, you will not be saturated with the same sounds and the routine will not become monotonous and boring.

5. To relax

When we get home after a stressful day, the best we can do is take a hot bath or shower while listening to music that we like. Better to be calm, collected and combine the sounds of nature with deep electronic beats .

This music calms us down and makes us feel in harmony with everything. It is also used to accompany a romantic dinner or a meeting between friends at home, especially if the plan is to go to bed early.

We can always hear the same music, but we should not if we want to enhance our brain health and add well-being.

While it is true that there are many certain songs that we love and we have a couple of defined musical genres or styles, it is important to expand the range occasionally and stimulate the brain with something different. A good balance between what we like and a few surprises can make the brain purr with satisfaction!

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