Combat Hair Loss With This Aloe Vera And Coconut Milk Treatment

Thanks to its nutrients and active ingredients, the mixture of aloe with coconut milk helps us to repair hair damage, while protecting it.

The following aloe vera and coconut milk treatment that we propose will help you prevent the loss of volume in your hair and, in turn, strengthen it from the roots to the ends.

Excessive hair loss is an aesthetic problem. It can occur as a consequence of a nutritional deficiency, genetic factors, excessive use of chemicals, overexposure to toxins, change of seasons or stress peaks.

Fortunately, nature provides us with a wide variety of elements whose nutrients and properties help to counteract the loss and keep the hair abundant and healthy.

Go ahead and apply this aloe vera and coconut milk treatment regularly and see its benefits for yourself.

The combination of aloe vera and coconut milk

As is well known, aloe vera is a very beneficial plant for human health. Its topical use is very widespread and, therefore, it is not surprising that it is also included in beauty and hair care treatments.

For its part, coconut milk is very appropriate to deeply nourish the hair follicles and restore strength to each strand. Contains lauric acid, essential minerals and trace elements such as: 

  • Calcium.
  • Chrome.
  • Match.
  • Selenium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) and C.

The set of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins of high biological value help to counteract hair loss and, in turn, regulate its pH. In particular, they help combat dryness, which is usually one of the causes of breakage and loss of volume.

Therefore, the combination of aloe vera and coconut milk is an excellent hair treatment and  promotes the healthy growth of new hair.

Coconut milk benefits for hair

coconut milk

Coconut milk is a vegetable drink that, due to its concentration of amino acids and healthy fats, can be applied to weak hair to stop hair loss.

Its contributions of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals counteract the effects suffered by hair strands due to exposure to the sun and toxins.

This, added to its moisturizing action, makes it a good treatment to alleviate dryness, breakage and other problems related to excessive loss. And, as if that were not enough, its assets stimulate the repair of cells and tissues. 

Benefits of aloe vera for hair

As we have pointed out, aloe vera is a very appropriate plant for hair care. In fact, it is one of the best natural products that we can take advantage of, in general terms.

  • Its gelatinous crystals have more than 20 essential minerals that, after being absorbed, reduce weakness and fall.
  • They also provide interesting amounts of vitamins A, C and the B complex, all necessary for normal hair growth.
  • In turn, it has a small dose of vitamin E, known in the beauty world as an ally against aging.

Its direct application on the scalp regulates the production of oil without altering the activity of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it  provides extra moisture and shine.

In fact, thanks to its antifungal active ingredients, it is a great option to effectively fight dandruff and other scalp infections.

Aloe vera and coconut milk treatment

aloe vera and coconut milk treatment

Although the aloe vera and coconut milk treatment is designed for those with hair loss problems, it can also be used as a face mask or natural alternative to conditioners.


  •  7 and a half tablespoons of aloe vera gel (75 g).
  • ½ glass of coconut milk (125 ml).
  • Optional: 1/2 cup of oatmeal (50 g).


  • Extract the aloe vera gel and, before placing it in the blender, make sure that it does not have traces of streaks. Clean it well under running water.
  • Mix the aloe with the coconut milk in the blender for one minute.


To apply this aloe vera treatment with coconut milk, you need to separate your hair into several strands. Next, take a little of the preparation and begin to apply it, strand by strand, from the roots to the ends.

Make sure to cover all of your hair well with the mixture and leave it on for about 30 to 40 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, rinse with your usual shampoo. Let it dry naturally.

To obtain the desired benefits, we recommend repeating this treatment between 2 and 3 times a week.

Are you ready to try it? If you liked this treatment, go ahead and prepare it at home and start giving your hair a healthy and spectacular appearance.

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