Couple’s Love Relieves Pain

Love … that important feeling in life. It makes us feel butterflies in our stomach when we see our loved one. This feeling that makes us related to other people, can be expressed in different ways: love as a couple, siblings, between parents and children, love of pets, among many others.

In this article we will talk specifically about love as a couple. In its initial phases of greater intensity, the couple’s love is attributed capacities to reduce the perception of pain. It would be enough to observe a photograph of the loved one to experience endless pleasant sensations and enormous well-being.

This comforting feeling would act at the brain level in a similar way to how painkillers or other similar drugs do.

At the body level, we have endorphins, which are endogenous opiates, those that make us feel really comfortable and good with ourselves and with everything around us.

It is clear that this state of comfort and well-being is incompatible with physical and emotional pain. Therefore, the emergence of this highly pleasant state will result in higher tolerance levels for pain and discomfort.

love couple

What happens in our brain when we feel love as a couple?

When you experience love, dopamine is released, a  neurotransmitter associated with rewards, motivation, and moods.

The relief or decrease in the perception of pain  would occur in the passionate stage of falling in love. About 9 months into the relationship. The most intense phase would stimulate the same areas where painkillers work to calm pain, the reward and wellness sites of the brain.

This capacity for love is still being investigated. Tomorrow, new methods could be discovered to help relieve pain thanks to this discovery.

Effects of love

Although this effect is subjective, some effects of love could be:

  • Increased motivation
  • High self esteem
  • Higher energy
  • Better job performance
  • General feeling of well-being
  • Greater optimism
  • Increase the will to live
  • Provides a feeling of fullness

Let’s learn to love despite our flaws. Let us understand and accept that we are not perfect and neither is our partner. 

Each in the couple has needs and priorities that often do not coincide with those of the other. The important thing is to find a middle ground. Giving in and letting go of pride to find balance and happiness for the other is also a manifestation of love.

Any good attitude will be rewarded by another equal or larger. Dare to love in all the extension of the word, so many good effects have that feeling so deep that you cannot let it escape. Get the best out of you and offer it, everything is easier when our emotions are stable and harmonious. And most importantly, love yourself first, value yourself to radiate that love and that value.

Only in this way will they achieve the love they deserve and need. Dare to experience and enjoy the most beautiful feeling! And remember, if you think you need help in your relationship, it is best to go to a mental health professional.

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