Detoxifying Orange, Carrot And Ginger Juice

When making breakfast, orange juice is a natural drink widely consumed worldwide. Also lemonade, but to a lesser extent. Now, how about starting your day with a delicious detox juice?

Detox drinks are said to support health in a number of ways. On the one hand, because they would provide the body with various nutrients and antioxidants, and on the other, because they would complement the diet in a healthy way, while supporting hydration.

Orange, carrots and ginger

Instead of opting for juices and other industrial drinks, it is best to prepare homemade recipes, with fresh ingredients, in different combinations.

A combination that is exquisite is that of orange, ginger and carrot, three ingredients that can be easily found in any supermarket, greengrocer and greengrocer.

The oranges

Oranges cut in half.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), oranges are foods that contain vitamin C, folates, organic acids, flavonoids and carotenoids. 

The carrots

According to the FEN, carrots are a source of vitamin A and carotenoids. And the experts clarify that “other vitamins present in more discrete amounts are vitamin C and vitamin B6. They also contain small amounts of minerals such as iron, iodine and potassium ”.


Making a ginger infusion

Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) is an exotic root that is used in all kinds of recipes, including detoxifying juices. It is energizing and, at the same time, it has anti-inflammatory properties that benefit health. 

In case of hypertension, it is not recommended that you include ginger in your detoxifying juice, since it has stimulating properties.

There are other cases in which ginger is contraindicated, so we recommend that you inform yourself well before consuming it. Otherwise, you could experience adverse reactions.

Detox juice recipe

The following recipe for detox juice is very easy to prepare, as you will see below. Keep in mind that once you prepare it, if you want to rectify a flavor, you can add more of one ingredient or another. For example, if you want to enhance the flavor of carrots, you can add another.

You can also dilute it with a little water to make it smoother and more liquid if you don’t like it to be too thick.


  • 2 oranges
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g)


  • Wash and drain the carrots well. Next, peel them and cut them into thin slices.
  • Besides, squeeze the two oranges to get their juice. Reserve a moment.
  • Wash and grate the ginger root (remember that a little is enough),
  • Add it to the blender along with the glass of water, the carrots and the juice of the two oranges.
  • Process until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Serve and consume at the moment.
  • You can add a few ice cubes and a sprig of fresh parsley or a few mint leaves.
  • If you want to enhance the citrus flavor, we recommend that you add a few drops of lemon juice.

Orange and ginger juice

Final thoughts

You can consume this detoxifying juice in the morning, along with your breakfast or snack, or you can consume it in the middle of the afternoon, to regain strength.

The important thing is that you prepare it with fresh ingredients and consume it at the moment, without adding sugar, stevia or any other sweetener, and with this you could easily exceed the sugar consumption recommended by the World Health Organization.

This detoxifying juice is not going to improve your health on its own. Therefore, you must always include it within a healthy lifestyle to be able to appreciate good results.

As the expert in chemistry and scientific communicator Deborah García Bello affirms: if you are going to drink an orange juice (or any other similar drink), it must be because you like its taste, not because it will provide a solution to a health problem .

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