Discover How To Easily Lighten Dark Elbows And Knees

To lighten the elbows, in case we use lemon treatments, it is very important that we apply them at night, since with the sun we could get the opposite effect

The elbows and knees are the areas of the body that tend to darken the most due to the accumulation of dead cells and other impurities that adhere to your skin.

If we consider that we use both of them as support on various surfaces, we find one of the reasons why this unsightly change occurs that we detest so much.

In addition, we cannot deny that they are areas that we neglect very often because we pay more attention to the face and other areas that we consider more important.

In any case, there comes a time when it is so visible that we want to find a solution to restore the light tone of the skin.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural solutions that allow us to significantly attenuate them to give them a more pleasant color and texture.

This time we want to share several of them so that you can start including them in your regular beauty routine. Don’t stop trying them!

Treatments to improve knees and elbows

Turmeric, honey and milk treatment

Turmeric is a spice with antioxidant properties that has many benefits when applied to the skin.

Its active agents reduce cell damage caused by free radicals and favor the reduction of dead cells.

In this treatment we mix it with milk and honey, two ingredients that soften the skin while helping to clarify it.


  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (10 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of milk (40 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

How to prepare it?

  • First, mix the turmeric with the milk and honey until you get a thick and creamy paste.
  • Afterwards, clean the areas you want to treat and apply the product with gentle circular massages.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • Lastly, use it twice a week to achieve good results.

Olive oil and sugar treatment

The mixture of olive oil with sugar creates a nourishing natural exfoliator to remove dead skin and all those particles that influence darkening.


  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (14 g)

How to prepare it?

  • First, mix the olive oil with the sugar until you get a thick paste.
  • Then, spread the product on the areas you want to lighten and rub them gently for 5 minutes.
  • Third, rinse with mild soap and water.
  • Finally, repeat its use three times a week.

Lemon and honey treatment

Honey and lemon

The lightening properties of lemon are widely known and serve to attenuate the spots that are forming in the dermis.

Combined with honey, it forms a soft product, ideal for nourishing and restoring the skin that covers the elbows and knees.


  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

How to prepare it?

  • First, squeeze the lemon and mix the juice with the tablespoons of honey.
  • Then apply it with gentle massages and leave it to act for 20 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse with warm water and repeat its application three times a week.

It is important to note that it should be applied at night because its subsequent exposure to the sun can have negative effects.

Chickpea and lemon flour treatment

Chickpea flour is a well-known ingredient when it comes to the beauty of the skin, as it serves to soften it, remove unwanted hair and remove dead cells.

To make it more effective against the black spots on the elbows and knees, we will combine it with a little lemon juice.


  • 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour (20 g)
  • The juice of 1 lemon

How to prepare it?

  • First, pour the juice of a lemon over the chickpea flour to moisten it.
  • Then apply the product in gentle circular motions, let it dry and wash it off with warm water.
  • Finally, repeat its use twice a week.

Vinegar and yogurt treatment

sour cream

Acetic acid in vinegar and lactic acid in yogurt come together in this natural remedy to make an effective cream against this common skin problem.

Its properties promote cell regeneration and deep clean to remove darkening.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (20 ml)
  • ΒΌ cup of plain yogurt (60 g)

How to prepare it?

  • First, mix the vinegar with the yogurt and spread it over the desired areas.
  • Afterwards, let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Lastly, you can use it three or four times a week.

Cocoa butter treatment

Unlike previous treatments, the function of this natural product is to moisturize and soften these areas that tend to dry out easily.

Its natural oils eliminate flaky skin and reduce the presence of blemishes derived from excess dead cells.


  • Only 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter (5 g)

How to prepare it?

  • Every night before going to sleep, rub a small amount of cocoa butter on your elbows and knees.

Keep in mind that the darkening does not usually diminish with just one application of these products. It is essential that you use them frequently so that, little by little, you will notice the difference.

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