Don’t Expect To Have It All To Enjoy Life

To enjoy life it is not necessary to have everything. And we tend to put off what makes us happy, as if that were a good idea.

However, we are not aware that we are never satisfied with everything we have, because we always yearn for more and more. We are never completely satisfied.

For this reason, it is important that from today we learn to value and enjoy what we have. It does not matter if it is not much. It is in the small things that the greatest of all resides.

Enjoying life does not make you conformist


Many people believe that valuing what they have and not waiting to have more to do so makes them conformists.

However, this is an erroneous belief. The conformist does not seek to go further. It stagnates, it stays in the same place.

However, a person who knows how to enjoy life values ​​what he has in order to go in search of what he deserves. He does both and that allows him to be happy.

What happens if you can’t find this balance? You will put your existence on hold. It will be like tapping that button and putting off your happiness until you finally get what you want.

However, time will not have mercy on you, it will not pity you because you have made the effort to stop everything until you achieve your goals.

When you want to enjoy life, you will no longer be able to do it, because you will always be in constant search, having not learned to savor every moment.

We know that work, obligations and responsibilities take up a large part of your time. However, this is not everything.

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Sometimes we get into a routine that blinds us and prevents us from looking up and observing what is happening around us. Your life is passing without any meaning. You postpone plans that you would like to do, premium obligations ahead of your well-being. The key lies in balance, but this is not easy to achieve.

Keys to enjoying life

Do you want to enjoy life today? Learn to value what you have before you lose it?

Here are some small changes you can make to your routine today.

Don’t stop seeing your friends


You long to have more and more friends, but… what for? When lifelong people want to meet you, you are always busy or have other plans.

Whenever you can, meet your friends. Remember how you feel, how your ties are strengthened.

Stop making excuses, believing that you are busy when in reality you are not prioritizing what you want.

True friendships will always be there, but only if you know how to take care of them as they deserve.

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Take a walk in nature

Man breathing in nature

Trees, flowers, everything green is beautiful. It transports us to calm, peace and tranquility. So why not take advantage of all this?

Whenever possible, take a nature walk. Observe the leaves, the path, the animals; listen to the river water, the wind, the crunch of your steps …

You will realize how much you are enjoying this moment of well-being that is so beneficial for you.

If you want to do something, do it now


You may not be able to carry out what you want right now, but try to do it as soon as you can. Never put off what you would like to do by trying to make excuses or justifying the fact that you cannot do it.

Tomorrow you will regret everything you have not done today. Value your time, value yourself. You have the right to enjoy what you want right now. Surely you have ever heard that, if you are willing, there is time for everything.

Work is not everything, and your goals are not the only center of your life. Sure you have to work hard, but you also have to have fun. So much wear and tear is useless if we can’t savor it.

So think that, as you try to achieve your goals,  you must watch the path, stop, reflect, think, and delight yourself. Because therein lies the true essence of being able to enjoy life.

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