Effective Diet To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Being part of the people affected by bad cholesterol is something worrying. With this healthy diet your high indicators will decrease and you will regulate this condition.

Hypercholesterolemia is the medical term used to designate high levels of cholesterol. It is one of the most common health conditions today. Its outcome could be fatal in the long term, as it may lead to serious heart problems.

To a large extent, the susceptibility to high cholesterol depends on genetic factors. However, the most incident element in the development of hypercholesterolemia is poor diet and lack of physical activity.

Given the high levels of cholesterol that exist today, we have prepared this article in which we will detail the measures you can take around your diet to avoid this situation.

In the same way, the diet that we will present to you can also be applied if you already have inadequate values.

What you should know about cholesterol

Generally speaking, it is a fat molecule necessary for life. It is found in the blood and cells of animals and people. The human body needs it to make hormones, bile acids, vitamin D, and other substances.

However, an increase in these values ​​in plasma can be dangerous. This is because it begins to accumulate in the arteries, preventing proper blood circulation, which leads to what we know as high blood pressure.

Arterial hypertension.

Also, the buildup of cholesterol could completely block the artery, causing cell death in tissues that stop receiving blood. In any case, this process is linked to the oxidation of LDL lipoprotein, not to the total value of cholesterol itself. This is stated in an article published in the journal “Current Medicinal Chemistry”.

Similarly, it could cause thrombi, a kind of plaque that begins to travel through the blood stream. These thrombi can reach a very thin artery and plug it, which causes what we commonly call CVA (cerebrovascular accident) or myocardial infarctions, when the affected artery is coronary.

Cholesterol types

As it is a fat molecule, it cannot travel freely in the blood, which is watery. Therefore, it is transported with an element called lipoprotein. Depending on the type of lipoprotein, we will say that cholesterol is good or bad.

  • Low-density lipoproteins : it is responsible for carrying cholesterol into the blood and tissues.
  • High-density lipoproteins : it is responsible for collecting stagnant cholesterol in the tissues, taking them directly to the liver to be eliminated.

The low density is the one susceptible to oxidation, according to a study published in the journal “Oncotarget” . That is why it is known as “bad.” For its part, the high density is considered “good”, since it favors the cleaning of bad cholesterol.

High cholesterol foods

The basis for avoiding or reducing high values ​​is an adequate diet. To do this, we must know which foods contain cholesterol and which do not. In any case, the fact that a food has a high amount of cholesterol does not mean that it influences the lipid profile, since there is an endogenous regulatory mechanism.

Some of the food products with higher levels of this element are the following:

Red meat

  • Red meats, sausages and organ meats.
  • Clams, mussels, sea snails and prawns.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Whole milk, whole yogurts, fatty cheeses, cream and heavy cream.
  • Butter and lard.

Cholesterol free foods

Fortunately, there are products that can help you avoid the high indicators of this molecule or help you reduce it if you already have them:

  • Fiber : it has properties that prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.
  • Antioxidants : prevent it from sticking in the arteries.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids : they increase the production of what we know as high density, or good.

    Diet to reduce elevated indicators

    Next, we will present some tips to build a diet that allows you to regulate this condition.

    Control cholesterol.

    • Abundance of fruits and vegetables : it is recommended that you eat 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, as these will provide you with fiber and antioxidants.
    • Increase the consumption of fish : fish is rich in Omega 3 that lowers cholesterol. The ideal is to consume white fish at least 2 times a week and blue fish 1 times a week.
    • Reduce the intake of red meat : red meat, due to its high cholesterol content, should be eaten only once a week.
    • Favor the presence of nuts : nuts have polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce this molecule.
    • Eat whole grains and legumes : these products prevent the absorption of this element thanks to their fiber content. Try to eat whole grains and legumes on a daily basis.
    • Minimum consumption of sugar : this element can raise cholesterol levels, so it is important to reduce its consumption to a minimum.
    • Avoid fried foods : their excess compounds are harmful if you want to control your values.
    • Ingest olive oil : even though it is a fat, it is polyunsaturated, so it is recommended instead of oils of animal origin. Sunflower and canola oil can also be consumed.

    Diet and exercise to improve the lipid profile

    Finally, supplement the diet with daily physical activity. Also keep in mind that if you have high cholesterol levels, medication may be required, so you should have medical advice.

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