Exercises To Improve Memory

Memory is the ability of the human being to retain information and retrieve it voluntarily. In many cases, this ability can be diminished due to certain diseases or the passage of time.

Memory is one of the most precious assets that human beings have, in some cases it is defined as the intellectual power of the soul. Now, do you know the best exercises to improve memory?

It could be said that the brain, related to memory, is the one that allows the vast majority of the essential functions of the organism to be carried out. In this way, memory also plays an important role.

Memory is the ability of the human being to retain information and recover it voluntarily. In many cases, this ability can be diminished due to the passage of time or certain diseases.

There is a risk of suffering from certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which directly affect the brain. Fortunately, you can train your brain through a variety of mind games and simple activities to do day after day.

Going to professionals is very important, since they can help the person to develop it with cognitive stimulation by finding the most appropriate methods. Below we develop the most common and recommended memory improvement exercises.

exercises to improve the memory

1. Read

Read more

Among the most common memory improvement exercises,  reading is one of the most recommended. Specifically, when the person begins to be in more advanced ages.

The habit of reading, in addition to providing new knowledge, also helps exercise certain areas of the brain that would otherwise remain inactive, including memory. It is best to read for at least half an hour each day. Although, of course, this depends on each person, and the more time is dedicated to reading, the more benefits can be obtained from it.

2. Memorize and learn new things

When looking to strengthen and exercise the mind, it is highly recommended to  practice using different learning methods. One of the most relevant exercises is to memorize things.

You can start with simple tasks like learning the list of things to buy in the supermarket, instead of keeping it in writing. As well as remembering an address, a phone number, or the titles and author of a book. You can also practice trying to remember things that happened long ago or things that were learned previously.

Studies have shown that learning new things helps our brain to make new connections that will improve our mind. Thus, it is recommended and is a very good activity to evolve in practice and, for example, learn to develop new activities.

It is very beneficial to learn a language, play a new instrument, or take cooking or drama classes. What counts is developing any skill. The goal is to keep the brain active.

3. Practical exercise: looking at photographs

A highly recommended exercise, which can be done at any time, and which is very beneficial, is to look at old or old photographs. It is worth mentioning that the older they are, the more they will test memory.

The method consists of trying to remember what happened at that moment, who are the people who appear in it, where the action occurs, or even who took the photograph. In this way, the mind is exercised through a simple and effective procedure.

Activities to exercise memory

Play or practice reasoning activities

To strengthen or improve it, it is also recommended to practice reasoning games that are entertaining and enjoyable. In this regard, there are many very popular and fun recreational activities.

In many cases, the easiest thing to do is solve crosswords, sudoku puzzles or word searches. Games that can be found easily and that are very beneficial. Even certain board games, such as Memory or Scattergories, can help activate memory while playing.

For example, chess or checkers are popular games that are considered mental skill activities. Practicing them and improving in the game will be very beneficial in order to improve and keep the mind active.

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