Garlic Home Remedies For Pneumonia

Garlic can be a very helpful ally against diseases such as pneumonia,  a lung inflammation that is caused by an infection caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. In some cases, this disease can also appear from accidentally inhaling a liquid or chemical.

Since it affects the respiratory system, it must be treated in a timely manner, as it can become chronic, especially when both lungs are compromised by the condition.

We present several home remedies with garlic that can help you against pneumonia. However, before we explain what symptoms we will suffer if we have pneumonia and what are the properties of garlic.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

The symptoms of pneumonia usually vary from patient to patient, depending on the degree of the disease and the treatment that is being given to control it. When it comes to a typical pneumonia, symptoms usually include:

  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing (sound in the chest)
  • Cough with purulent or rusty sputum
  • Chest pain
  • Chills in the head and throat area

Other pneumonia, known as “atypical”, are characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Tenths of fever
  • Headaches
  • General discomfort
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Tiredness
  • Dry cough without expectoration
  • Less severe chest pain
  • Mild digestive complaints such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

Why can garlic help treat pneumonia?

Garlic has earned one of the first places as a food rich in medicinal properties. This common and easy-to-buy ingredient is characterized by being a very powerful antimicrobial, which helps us to fight effectively against viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

Its high content of allicin makes it an antibiotic, antibacterial and antiviral ally, since it is useful to strengthen the immune system. In this way, it helps the body to cope with the microorganisms that want to attack it.

As if that were not enough, it can help regulate body temperature and respiratory processes that are altered by this disease.

Ways to use garlic to fight pneumonia

Including garlic frequently in the diet is the best way to take advantage of its benefits. This can help us fight pneumonia and strengthen the immune system.

It is very important to bear in mind that this food must be consumed raw, since when cooked it can lose up to 90% of its properties.

In this article we present several remedies that can help you fight pneumonia, although you should never forget to consult a specialist and follow their instructions in any circumstance.

Garlic remedy for pneumonia

Although the taste and smell of garlic is not entirely pleasant, it is worth making the effort to consume it to take advantage of its benefits. This natural remedy combines the incredible benefits of garlic with ingredients such as honey and lemon, which also help to strengthen the respiratory system.


  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2 lemons
  • 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g)

What should you do?

  • Extract the juice from the garlic cloves and mix it with the juice of the two lemons and the four tablespoons of honey.
  • Take two teaspoons of the mixture four times a day. Optionally, we can dilute it in warm water.
  • We can store the remedy in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Garlic and onion treatment


Garlic and onion are ingredients that have similar properties in terms of their antibiotic and antiviral action. By combining these two ingredients, you can make a powerful remedy that will be useful to clear your airways and that will help you fight pneumonia.


  • ½ medium onion
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What should you do?

Crush the onion and garlic to extract their juices. Add the 2 teaspoons of honey and dilute the mixture in a cup of water. Drink this remedy on an empty stomach, every day, until you see your health improve.

Garlic poultice

Topical application of garlic also helps clear the airways and helps speed up the recovery process from pneumonia.


  • Garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

What should you do?

We must crush a few garlic cloves well to form a paste and spread it over our rib cage. Next, apply olive oil to the surrounding skin and cover the mixture with a bandage to keep the garlic paste in place. Finally, let it act overnight.

Other recommendations

In addition to following the recipes that we have shown you above, you can follow the following tips that we propose. They will also be of great help to you against possible pneumonia:

Other recommendations

  • Eat two or three crushed garlic cloves every day.
  • Make a mixture of 10 crushed garlic cloves and 8 drops of lavender oil. After this, form a paste and apply it all over the chest 3 times a day.
  • In addition, you can include garlic in your smoothies, broths, sauces or salads, among others.
  • You can also boil water, add some crushed garlic and inhale the steam.

Do not hesitate to take and enjoy any of these effective remedies, although you should not forget that they are a complement and that, if you suffer from pneumonia, the main thing is to visit your doctor and follow his instructions.

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