Habits That Help Treat Osteoarthritis

Although there is no definitive cure for osteoarthritis, practicing some healthy habits can make it easier to control your symptoms. Discover some keys for it.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that compromises the health of the joints. It frequently affects people over the age of 60,  but it can occur in adults of any age. Although there is no cure, some habits can prevent its progression. How should the treatment of osteoarthritis be?

At present, important advances have been made in the control of this disease. Therefore, in addition to basing your treatment on medications such as pain relievers, other recommendations are also often made to manage your symptoms. Discover them!

Habits to Support Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis develops due to progressive damage to the joints. This deterioration can occur over time, either due to the aging process or a previous injury. In any case, it generates symptoms such as pain, stiffness and difficulties in executing movements.

Although its severity level may vary in each patient, in general, it tends to cause a deterioration in the quality of life. Therefore, the treatment of osteoarthritis aims to reduce the progression of the disease and control the symptoms. 

1. Do physical exercise

Treatment for osteoarthritis includes exercise.

The pain caused by osteoarthritis often reduces the ability to do certain exercises. However, it is not convenient to fall into inactivity.

A study published by the Journal of Exercise, Sports and Orthopedics confirms these benefits of physical activity. Among other advantages, it is clarified that doing regular low-impact exercise allows to strengthen the muscles around the joints to avoid complications of the disease.

For example, about 20 to 30 minutes a day of physical activity may help relieve stiffness and prevent pain attacks. Thus, gentle activities such as walking, swimming or stretching can be practiced; It is also possible to opt for yoga or tai chi sessions .

2. Losing weight improves osteoarthritis treatment

Overweight and obesity are factors that can accelerate the deterioration of the joints in patients with osteoarthritis. In fact, both are included as possible causes of the disease. This is confirmed by research published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research in 2013.

Because of this, those who are above normal weight must strive to lose weight. A healthy weight reduces pressure on the joints and therefore helps control pain episodes, according to a study published by Obesity Reviews .

Additionally, losing weight lowers the risk of other health complications, such as cardiovascular disease or metabolic syndrome.

3. Sleep well

Sometimes the pain caused by osteoarthritis affects the quality of your sleep. Despite this, it is essential to try to get a good night’s sleep every day, as rest is key to reducing swelling and inflammation in the joints, as suggested by a recent study published by Metabolism .

If you are having sleep problems, try applying the following:

  • Create a comfortable environment in the room.
  • Avoid using the room to work.
  • Stay away from distracting items like computers, mobiles, or tablets before bed.
  • Eat foods that promote sleep.
  • Eat a healthy, low-calorie dinner.
  • Take relaxing infusions such as passionflower or valerian tea.

4. Take natural infusions for the treatment of osteoarthritis

The treatment of osteoarthritis includes the consumption of herbal teas.

Medicinal infusions do not replace the pharmacological treatment prescribed by the doctor. However, its consumption may be beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis, according to a study published by Rheumatology . Some options recommended for its anti-inflammatory properties are the following:

  • Ginger infusion: according to a study published by Arthritis and Rheumatism , this drink has moderate effects that reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis.
  • Green tea:  an in vitro  investigation of the anti-inflammatory effects of green tea has confirmed this property of this infusion. It was published by the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research in 2012.
  • Turmeric tea:  a study published by Phytomedicine highlights this property of turmeric.

5. Apply a heat and cold therapy

Heat and cold therapy can help treat osteoarthritis. This action is confirmed by a 2003 study that analyzes the possibilities of thermotherapy for the treatment of this condition.

The heat helps to open the blood vessels, which improves circulation and contributes to the relaxation of the muscles. Thanks to this, the transport of nutrients to the affected tissues is facilitated. Also, heat produces a calming effect that reduces stiffness.

For its part, the application of ice restricts the blood vessels and reduces swelling and pain. For this reason, it is a good option to complement the effect of heat.

How to perform the therapy? It is best to always follow the doctor’s instructions, or go to a physical therapist so that this specialist can carry it out step by step. If you have the approval of the professional, you can apply this method:

  • To start, apply heat with a hot water bottle or heating pad. If you don’t have any of these options, moisten a towel with hot water — be careful because you can burn yourself.
  • Subsequently, apply it for a few minutes on the affected area and rest.
  • If you prefer to use the cold, wrap several ice cubes in a cloth or bag, and then apply it for a few minutes.
  • Caution: avoid applying the ice directly on the skin as it can be harmful. Also, when applying heat, make sure the temperature is bearable.

The treatment of osteoarthritis should be prescribed by the doctor

Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that can get worse without prompt treatment. Because of this, it is essential to attend to the symptoms and request medical check-ups  when the disease is suspected.

Keep in mind that the combination of medications and good habits makes the most positive prognosis. Therefore, both are essential to cope with the disease in the best way and prevent it from progressing. If it touches you, face it with great courage and responsibility!

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