Hip Bursitis: Symptoms And Treatment

The pain when walking, located in the upper part of the thigh, could respond to a hip bursitis. But what are we talking about? The hip is an anatomical structure that encloses many parts within, and that is linked to ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones and muscles.

In medical terms, the inflammation of the articular bags that we call bursitis can be two similar presentations: trochanteric and iliopsoas. Next, we detail what the main symptoms of each are and how we treat them if necessary.

Types of hip bursitis

The two types of hip bursitis that exist are trochanteric and iliopsoas. Both have in common that they are generated by the inflammation of articular bags that, when injured, stop fulfilling their function.

Trochanteric bursitis is located in the joint structure that joins the femur with the pelvic bone. As one of the saliences of this bone is called the trochanter , this is where the name of the pathology derives. It is a very painful condition that tends to appear in people of legal age.

The other form is iliopsoas bursitis. This is a bulky muscle that runs along part of the back and inserts inside the hip. In its journey, it is protected from friction with the other organs, from a bag or bursa . If this structure is damaged or broken, it culminates in inflammation.

Hip bursitis due to iliac psoas has its risk group among people who perform repetitive movements of the joint, which is why it differs from the previous one in the age of onset. In any case, the elderly continue to be a risk group, both for tendonitis and for fracture.

Types of hip bursitis

Symptoms of hip bursitis

The primary sign of hip bursitis is pain. It is an intense discomfort that can become incapable of walking and performing daily activities, such as climbing a ladder.

The pain location is usually on the outside of the hip, over the femur and its bony exits. On palpation, the discomfort increases and, in extreme cases, the mere rubbing of clothing is enough to unleash the symptom.

A big problem with this pain is that it is exacerbated both on movement and at rest. Walking intensifies it, climbing a ladder, and staying in the same position for long periods do not contribute to its improvement.

People start their suspicion that something is wrong with the hip when they must stop what they are doing because of the pain. The progression is slow, but steady. At first the limb cannot be raised, but later it is not even possible to get up from a chair.


The origin of hip bursitis has two general aspects: joint degeneration and repetitive movements. Both factors may meet in the same person, or the former may be more common in the elderly and the latter in young adults.

The degeneration of the hip structures has been known for a long time. Although their study has been focused on cartilage, it is known that the aging process affects all cells.

In the elderly, the articular bags change and become thinner, with less resistance. It is part of the destruction of collagen and fibers that occurs over the years. This favors the breaks and tears of the structure.

At the same time, there may be damage from the repetition of the movements. Walking, sitting and getting up, running or climbing stairs are daily activities that, over a span of decades, accumulate pressure on the hips and on the joint bags.

If to this we add the presence of osteoarthritis or arthritis, then the end result seems inevitable. Bone that has changed due to joint inflammation is more susceptible to bursitis, especially in the relationship between the femur and the hip.

Woman with hip bursitis

Treatment for hip bursitis

The therapeutic approach to hip bursitis, regardless of its origin and type, is based on the same parameters. Here are the most important ones.


Non-steroids are preferred over corticosteroids, due to the adverse effects, since they tend to be used in elderly people, with a higher risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.


hip rehabilitation with a kinesiology professional has good results. Not only are physical massages used, but also the application of techniques with appliances has proven to be efficient, such as shock waves.

A combination of hot and cold temperatures is also usually indicated to promote internal joint healing.


The surgical treatment plan for hip bursitis has evolved in recent decades and the approach has improved, reducing adverse effects. Arthroscopy techniques, with minimal incisions that reduce hospital stay, are the standard now.

A tiny camera guides the process, and the orthopedist can repair the damaged joint bag or replace it with other tissue to act as a donor for the broken structure.

The hip is our support

Hip bursitis is serious because the entire pelvis supports the trunk. From there, the weight is distributed to the lower limbs and balance is maintained. We depend on this part of the body to walk and move around, so we cannot afford to damage it.

The situation is of particular concern among the elderly, who with reduced mobility can find themselves in serious difficulties. The support of the family group and the social network is key in these patients, for whom no help is little.

Regarding the choice of the best treatment, it will be the doctor who defines how to approach and under what technique. This will depend on the general health of the person, their response capacity and the rehabilitation resources they have.

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