How Should I Consume The Fruit To Promote Weight Loss?

The consumption of fruit in our day to day could be of great influence to enjoy good general health and to protect ourselves against various diseases.

Now, sometimes, if we eat them excessively or incorrectly, we could influence, and at the same time help, promote weight gain. We cannot forget that most fruits, in addition to being rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins, are also rich in fructose.

Some people make the mistake of eating large amounts of fruit throughout the day, hoping to lose a few kilos with it, but after weeks they find a little surprise when they go to the scale.

What can we do then? What is the best way to consume fruit to lose weight?

Join us to address this issue a little more.

Is it better in the morning or before meals?

Fruits are rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, and mineral salts. All these benefits are considered adequate by some experts, especially during the first hours of the day. Right at that moment when we need the most energy. Particular case, then our breakfast.

For example, this study published by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the State University of Milagro , in Ecuador, explains that, according to the data shown by the WHO in 2004, a consumption of between 250 and 400 grams of fruits was recommended per day. day, but avoiding doing it at dinners.

So, it is believed that if we include 1 or 2 pieces of fruit in dinners, then it becomes more likely that the caloric intake will not be used between the time when dinner is finished and we go to bed. Therefore, that excess sugar (fructose) can become fat deposits that accumulate in our body.

However, this does not mean that fruits “are forbidden” late at night, this is just an interpretation that so far has not been confirmed by any scientific study. It can be translated as that we should consume small amounts and, if possible, without the skin, since it will take longer to digest them.

Some nutritionists recommend consuming fruit before meals and not as dessert. Why? It is believed that for reasons, the first is that it would help a later more regular digestion and the second because being satiating, then they will make us not need to eat so much and thus, regulate caloric intake with the aim of losing a little weight.

2. Green or ripe fruit?

How will it be more appropriate to consume the fruit to promote weight loss? When is it green or when is it ripe? There are many opinions about it, but it is recommended to eat them somewhere in between.

Take into account this data, which shows this information, to be able to choose more wisely according to your personal needs:

  • The green fruit:  It contains more chlorophyll, less fructose and, therefore, the contribution of sugar in our blood will be less. In contrast to this, it is difficult to digest at times.
  • Ripe fruit: It feels very good and is digestive, but its “negative aspect” is in its high caloric level. In addition, it contains many sugars.

3. Natural fruit or juice?

On this point, it can be said that there are many myths about it, since one group of people affirms that consuming them whole is better, while another expresses their pleasure in consuming it in smoothies. What stands out here is that this is based on popular wisdom and has no scientific evidence.

If the goal is to lose weight, you must be clear about the following (which does have scientific basis) and it is the fact that we must be within a caloric deficit regime, where we are consuming fewer calories than we are burning during the day. 

In addition to this, it is important to be clear that each body and each person is different from each other, therefore, to carry out this caloric deficit, it is important to consider basic aspects such as: age, weight, height, gender, type and level of daily physical activity.

So, if it is sometimes difficult for you to consume the whole piece of fruit and you prefer it in juice, try doing it yourself and do not add sugar: make it natural. If possible, use the blender and include the skin, for example, of apples or pears.

4. Lemon to drink on an empty stomach?


It is believed that regularly drinking a glass of water mixed with lemon juice is a natural alternative that could help purify the body. In addition to helping us stay hydrated, it is said that it could optimize liver function and help us regulate cholesterol levels.

The truth is, drinking lemon water in the morning is NOT going to make you lose weight. This is explained, for example, by this study, where they affirm that until now, it has been information passed from word of mouth without any scientific basis and that is what makes it a popular recommendation.

5. What are the best fruits to lose weight?

It is important to bear in mind that there are no better fruits than others. They are all healthy, they all contain adequate benefits that will take care of our well-being and will provide us with excellent vitamins and minerals.

It is, basically, a matter of our responsibility when consuming them, that is, responsibility for knowing what they contribute to our body and responsibility for knowing how many grams we could consume of each fruit per day.

Now, there is no “magic secret” to lose weight eating fruits, it is about consuming them with balance and in a varied way. That is, it is not about eating only pineapple throughout the day, or only lemons. To mention an example.

It is advisable to combine them and consume them in the first hours of the day and before meals.

Now we show a small list of some delicious fruits that, combined with a balanced, healthy and responsible diet, could help you lose those extra kilos a little:

  • Pineapple
  • The lemon
  • The pears
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • The grenade
  • The Cranberries
  • Black grapes
  • Sweet and sour kiwi
  • The green apple
  • Grapefruit or grapefruit

Final notes

It is important to enjoy fruits, consume them with balance and therefore, in addition to this, do not forget to do some cardiovascular exercises, such as riding a bicycle or simply going for a walk for 30 to 45 minutes every day.

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