How To Become Independent Without Dying In The Attempt

Getting independent is something that many people want. However, it is not only about living alone and moving our belongings to another place.

In all this, there are certain steps that we have to take into account.

If we stay only on the surface, we can have many problems that will make us realize the harsh reality. So, if you want to become independent without dying trying, be vigilant.

Make sure you have the means to become independent

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Not everything is so simple. We cannot become independent at all costs if we do not have the necessary money to meet the payments.

Keep in mind that it will not only be the apartment or the house that will cost you money. You will have to support yourself, live, eat, pay for your trips and everything else, later.

Thinking about all this will prevent you from having unpleasant surprises once you have taken the first step and there is no turning back.

Never get involved in expenses that in the long term you will not be able to continue paying. Review your current financial situation and be realistic.

Be very careful with deception

Even if you immerse yourself in pages that seem reliable, you should always distrust everything and everyone. There will always be someone who tries to deceive you.

So step on the safe side and never pay in advance, without any contract in between or any proof of legality.

Perhaps, perhaps, you will run out of that money for unwary.

Talk to parents

Leaving home and becoming independent will not only mean a change for us. It will also be so for our parents, who may suffer from the “empty nest syndrome”.

Suddenly, they will find themselves strangers in their own home, alone, abandoned. There will no longer be the fun of before and the routines will be modified.

The emotional blow suffered by parents is so strong that it can cause a serious drop in self-esteem.

For this reason, it is necessary to communicate with parents, do our part so that they can carry this new stage of our life as well as possible.

Although sometimes this problem does not occur, it is always necessary to make every change not abrupt, but progressive.

It will be much better for everyone, both for you and your parents.

Does your new home have what you need?

It may seem like a trivial question, however, sometimes we underestimate the importance we have to give to everything.

Independence involves many problems, because that new home must adapt to our needs.

It will not be the same to work from home as in a company, therefore, in this second case it will be positive that it is as close or as well communicated as possible.

If we come across the first option, we work from home, we have to make sure that we can have a decent internet connection.

Think that there are many places where the fiber still does not reach, so if you need speed or a connection that does not hang all the time, it is something you should look at.

Meet your roommates


In order to make expenses more bearable for everyone, many people may think about sharing a flat. In this case it is important that you know them well.

We are all very different and it will not be the first time that there are complications in terms of the following issues:

  • There is someone who does not clean, or does not comply with their shifts of cleaning the home.
  • The food that a person buys mysteriously disappears and no one can answer about its whereabouts.
  • Sleep shifts are not respected and parties or revelry are held when one of the members has to get up early the next day.

These are some examples of what can happen if you share a flat. That is why it is essential that you do it, always, with people you know.

Getting independent can be easy, but there are really many things in our life that will change. Think that now no one will prepare your food: you will have to make it yourself.

You will also have to take care of the laundry, clean the whole house, keep the accounts and attend community meetings if you live in an apartment.

Everything that you did not do before will now run on your account.

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