How To Develop The Emotional Intelligence Of The Child

To develop the emotional intelligence of the child, you must be his greatest example. Apply our simple tips and in no time, you will see how your little one achieves balance in their emotions.

Every parent should know that they play a very important role in the development of a child’s emotional intelligence. He is the one who will be present in your life and your comments and actions will have a great influence on them.

Starting from an early age to develop the child’s emotional intelligence will help the recognition and self-regulation of their emotions . Adequate development is essential for their individual growth and ability to integrate into society.

It is normal that children are not mature enough to develop this aspect of their lives until they are 2 years old. However, once they pass this age, there are certain situations that will help you realize that your child is maturing emotionally.

Tips to develop a child’s emotional intelligence

1. Be their biggest example and have a positive attitude towards problems

First of all, your attitude is the same that your child will take in any situation . Remember that you are his example and that everything you say and do, especially when he is young, will be the same that he puts into practice during his growth.

When you face a daily problem, for example, that the food you are preparing burns. Explain to your child how you solve this situation without having to be upset about what happened.

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Also, don’t hide your feelings. If you feel like crying, don’t go to a place where your child can’t see you, rather show him how you feel . In this way, your child will be able to associate feelings with actions and the moment will come when he himself says “I am upset” or “I feel sad” .

In adults and children, recognizing yourself is vital . To help your child to express his feelings there must be good communication with your little one. In fact, when there is solid communication it is easier for your child to come to you with any problem.

2. Teach your child to be proactive

Proactivity is the attitude that people assume to deal with situations that need to be controlled . When you promote this habit, you help develop the emotional intelligence of the child.

Although forming a habit requires time and patience, it is essential that your child has the initiative of proactivity so that in the face of adverse situations that may arise, they have the ability to make the right decisions.

Have your child focus on “being” and not “having.”

When you focus your child on “being somebody,” instead of “having things,” you allow them to exploit their full potential. In this way, you will be motivated to find and develop your true vocation, connecting with the creativity that characterizes all children.

Teach him to take initiative

Initiative involves recognizing the responsibilities that will help make things happen in your favor . This goes hand in hand with proper language. In other words, the language of a proactive child, in which “I can” is the basis of all the steps that he is about to take in his life.

Thoughtful girl.

Help him set clear goals

Ask him, without pressure, what he wants to be when he grows up, what important things he would like to achieve, what sports or activities he would like to participate in. It can be a short, medium or long term goal.

The important thing is that he knows that he is capable of making a decision and that he knows that he has your support.

Why is it important to develop a child’s emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence encompasses awareness, understanding, motivation, empathy, and all social skills. All this allows the child to develop the ability to express himself and learn to manage his emotions.

Plus, it helps you control your impulses. Be more sensitive and understanding to the feelings of others, be kind, sociable and make wise decisions that will lead to success in all facets of your life.

1. Children become independent

If a child learns to control his reaction to complex situations for him and solves problems easily at an early age, in a few years he will not suffer from despair if things do not go well.

As expected, once your child reaches emotional maturity, he will come to you to tell you how he has solved his problems and hear your opinion about it. That is, your child becomes independent and is able to recognize his feelings and cope with them.

2. They relate easily to others

Communication is the foundation of all relationships . When you help develop a child’s emotional intelligence and teach him to talk instead of yelling, ask questions before pointing, and empathize with others, you are making his relationship with other people enjoyable.

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An emotionally stable child is a person who easily relates to others . He cares about feeling good about himself and also helps harmonious relationships with others.

3. They have a better behavior

Children with emotional intelligence are more likely to be happy and share as a family . They are usually cooperative, optimistic and since they can solve problems more easily, they know perfectly well the behavior they should have in any situation.

They know how to adapt and ensure that the means to solve any adversity is communication. They respect each other and respect each other. They know how to value life, they learn from experiences and ask for help when they need it most.


In short, the sooner the child achieves self-control of his emotions, the faster he will develop the ability to face situations that arise and react to them in an intelligent way, without falling into depression, fear or aggression.

The help of parents in this process is essential, since in this way the child will not feel alone and will see you as their support.  Therefore, it is a joint effort from which both benefit. They just have to have patience, motivation to do things well and give each other a lot of love.

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