How To Discover Our Level Of Body Acidity?

Body acidity is something natural in our body. Each area of ​​our body has a specific degree of acidity. If this grade is altered, illness could occur.

This specific degree of body acidity is measured according to a coefficient known as pH and ranges from alkaline or basic to acidic levels. In this article we explain what pH is and how it is measured through urine and saliva. If you inform yourself correctly you can even help the body to prevent health problems.

What is pH?

PH scale with food

The pH is a coefficient that indicates the degree of acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. To measure pH, a scale from 0 to 14 is used. Thus, as we get closer to zero there is more acidity, while if we go up to 14 there is more alkalinity. Values ​​around 7 are considered neutral.

For example, some soaps are called neutral pH, or even specify pH 5.5 on the label, precisely because that is the pH of our skin.

For this reason, in this article we are going to specify some of these questions to learn how to properly care for our body.

One body, different pH

Although in general we say that the cause of many diseases is an excess of acidity, caused by a bad diet, bad habits, pollution, stress, etc., the truth is that the ideal is that each organ is balanced, in its healthy pH.

For example, the stomach is naturally acidic due to its hydrochloric acid content. If it were not sufficiently acidic, we would not be able to digest certain foods. In addition, when this level is altered, it is very common to suffer diseases such as a bacterial infection, since the basic pH favors the growth of these microorganisms.

In contrast, saliva can sometimes give more alkaline values. Finally, blood is the fluid in the body that has more constant values, approximately 7.4.

How do we find out our level of body acidity?

Strips to measure the degree of body acidity

As we have said, the pH of the skin is around 5.5. Therefore, it is essential that we use hygiene products that are not too aggressive with the skin.

We will give preference to those that contain natural ingredients. Likewise, we will avoid those that contain paraffins and other petroleum derivatives. Detergent substances, for example, usually have values ​​around 10. Therefore, they are quite aggressive for our skin if we do not protect ourselves with gloves.

Body acidity: Conclusion

As you can see, each part of our body has a different pH. Therefore, it is important to know these values ​​to be able to take better care of our body  and not to use substances that are harming us, such as soaps that are too acidic for the skin, or toothpastes that have a pH that is not indicated for the dental hygiene.

Take a look when buying the products and always ask any questions you have. Medical professionals and pharmacists are there to help you.

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