How To Grow A Ginger Plant Indoors

Ginger is a root of oriental origin, grown mainly in China and India. Today, the cultivation of ginger has spread throughout the world. In addition, its applications in health and gastronomy are surprising, since according to this study conducted by Qassim University (Saudi Arabia), it is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

It is a very easy plant to grow and, in fact, it can be grown indoors to always have this medicinal superfood on hand. Find out how!

Growing this plant at home is very simple and does not require much effort. As a result, you will obtain this food that will become your health ally in many moments. Would you like to learn how to grow ginger at home?

What you should know before planting ginger


Ginger is a root that grows successfully in places with partial shade.  Therefore, it will easily grow indoors.

Although you can plant it in a pot, you can also use a large shallow pot. This will give you the ideal space to grow well. In addition, the roots will grow horizontally, so keep this in mind when choosing the pot, container or pot in which you want to plant.

When the rhizome is already growing, small pieces can be taken. This will not be an impediment to its development in the pot. Thus, you can take small amounts to add to your dishes, make smoothies or drink tea.

How to plant ginger?


When buying ginger, make sure that it does not have wrinkles, that it is not soft or has mold. The ginger that you are going to use must be firm and must have some green sprouts. If the root has several shoots, they can be cut off and put in different pots to get various plants.

It is very important to buy ginger from a trusted place and, if possible, where organic products are sold. In the local market there are different sections where they offer ginger. However, this is usually not so good for the crop, since in the stores they tend to spray it with a growth inhibitor.

If anything, some people have had success growing ginger from a supermarket root. If you can’t get anywhere else, be sure to follow the recommendations. Finally, before sowing it, leave it overnight in water to remove pesticides and other impurities.

What do you need?

  • 1 piece of ginger rhizome.
  • Pot or pot about 40 cm deep and as wide as possible.
  • 1 part compost or worm castings.
  • 3 parts of ecological land.

How to grow it, step by step

  • Step 1:  To begin, soak the root in warm water overnight. This way it will be ready for planting.
  • Step 2:  Fill the pot or pot with a part of compost or worm castings and three parts of ecological soil. Keep in mind that the soil must be spongy and well aerated so that the water can drain well.
  • Step 3:  Put the ginger root in the ground, with the sprout pointing upwards. Fill in with an additional inch or two of soil.
  • Step 4:  Moisten the soil, but not excessively. Then, place the ginger pot in a warm place, but not excessively hot.
  • Step 5:  Finally, keep the soil moist constantly.
  • Step 6:  It is best to keep it during its first stage of development in an area where it receives little light and at a temperature of about 20 ºC. It should never be at a temperature lower than 10 ºC.

Latest indications

Lastly, ginger is a slow-growing plant that requires moderate doses of heat and humidity. From sowing you must make sure that the soil remains a little moist. Also that the plant is at a suitable temperature.

After 3 or 4 months after the ginger begins its growth, some small pieces can already be harvested. To do this, separate the soil a little from the edge and there you should find the rhizomes. Cut the necessary amount and cover again with the soil to continue its growth.

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