How To Have Healthier Hair Using Aloe Vera?

We can take advantage of the nutrients in aloe vera and other natural ingredients to provide our hair with extra strength and vitality, without having to resort to chemicals.

To have healthier hair, it is advisable to use natural products such as aloe vera gel more often, whose active compounds have proven to be very useful in various fields.

For something, within the cosmetic industry, this plant is one of the ingredients that is most used in the development of many beauty treatments, for the skin, hair and even nails.

However, in the manufacturing process, the properties of this valuable product are often lost. Therefore, we invite you to take advantage of it naturally to show off a spectacular mane.

Here are some ways in which you can take advantage of aloe vera gel, in combination with other natural products, so that you can incorporate the one you like the most into your beauty routine.

Aloe vera, coconut milk and lemon

Aloe vera, coconut milk and lemon

The hydrating and regenerating power of aloe vera gel is enhanced by the nutrients from coconut milk and the antioxidants vitamin C from lemon. Thus, this is a very complete natural treatment to revitalize damaged hair.

The joint action of these three ingredients helps fight or prevent dandruff, while repairing strands and protecting the scalp.

To make this home treatment, we recommend using very little lemon juice, so as not to irritate the scalp.

However, the amounts of the ingredients indicated below are designed for hair with a medium length. In the case of shorter hair, the measurements should be adjusted so as not to waste product.


  • 2 cups of aloe vera gel (200 g).
  • 1/2 glass of coconut milk (125 ml).
  • Lemon juice (just a few drops).
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (10 g).


  • Cut two or three leaves of aloe vera and put it in the freezer for an hour.
  • We take the aloe leaves from the freezer and make a longitudinal cut to extract the gel.
  • We put all the ingredients in the blender along with the coconut milk and process until homogenized.

Application mode

  • Lightly dampen your hair with a little water.
  • Apply the previous mixture from the roots to the ends.
  • Leave on for 20-25 minutes and then rinse as usual.
  • Repeat this treatment at least 3 times a week for healthier hair.

Aloe vera and olive oil

Another way to have healthier hair is to perform this natural treatment that we are going to tell you about. Unlike the previous one, it does not have as many ingredients and you do not need to freeze the aloe gel.

It should be noted that olive oil gives you an excellent exceptional contribution in terms of nutrition and hydration.

So, if your hair tends to dry out easily, you can use this ingredient in abundance. Otherwise, do not exceed a tablespoon and a half.


  • 1 cup of aloe vera gel (100 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (30 g).


  • In a bowl, mix the aloe gel with the olive oil. You can do it with a spoon or with a small processor.

Application mode

  • Apply the product on dry hair. No need to comb.
  • Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse as usual.
  • Repeat its use 2 or 3 times a week if you have very dry hair.

Aloe vera and honey


Aloe vera and honey hair treatment is a recipe suitable for all hair types, even those with sensitive scalps.

Helps hydrate hair and, thanks to its enzymes and antioxidants, stops hair loss and promotes the growth of new healthy strands.


  • 1 cup of aloe vera gel (100 g).
  • 7 and a half tablespoons of honey (75 g).
  • Optional: 1/2 cup of water (50 ml).


  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix them well with the help of a spoon.

Application mode

  • Separate the hair into several strands, and apply the product, strand by strand, from the roots to the ends.
  • Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse as usual.
  • Repeat this treatment 3 times a week for healthier hair.

Aloe vera and egg

aloe vera

Due to its high content of essential amino acids, antioxidants and hydrating compounds, this treatment with aloe vera and egg is recommended to stop excessive hair loss.

The assimilation of its nutrients on the scalp helps to strengthen weak strands and, incidentally, regulates excess oil production.


  • 9 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (90 g).
  • 1 medium egg (60 g).


  • Crack the egg and beat it with a fork to incorporate the white with the yolk.
  • In a bowl, mix the aloe vera with the egg.

Application mode

  • Moisten the hair with a little water and separate it into strands.
  • First, apply the product to the scalp and massage gently with your fingertips to stimulate circulation.
  • Spread the mixture from roots to ends.
  • Put a hat or plastic bag over your hair and let the mask work for 30-40 minutes.
  • Rinse as usual.
  • For best results, repeat this treatment at least 3 times a week.

Other tips for healthier hair

To have healthier hair, it is necessary to evaluate personal care habits and, if necessary, correct them.

For example, we often have the habit of detangling our hair when it is very wet, without knowing that this favors the fall. It is better to dry it gently with a towel and wait a little while it ‘airs out’, before combing.

On the other hand, the type of diet can also significantly influence hair health. Often times when hair appears lifeless, dull, and begins to fall out, there is a nutritional deficiency behind it.

The natural treatments that we have proposed, although they are a great help, are not a definitive solution. So it is convenient to put into practice several strategies to obtain the desired results.

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