How To Prepare A Therapeutic Arnica Cream To Heal Bruises

This cream is exclusively for topical use in case of bruises or bruises. We should not apply it on open wounds, since its components could be aggressive

Contusions are physical injuries that occur due to a blow, a fall or any strong impact on the skin, without generating open wounds.

Its main symptom is localized pain, mild or severe, although it can also be accompanied by inflammation and bruising.

Although they are not usually serious and disappear easily, it is always necessary to review them, since they sometimes cause damage to the muscles, tendons and some internal organs.

If the latter is not the case, you can consider some natural remedies that help speed up your recovery.

Among these we find a therapeutic arnica cream, recognized for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, ideal for relieving pain. In addition, according to a study, it can be beneficial in relieving insect bites and burns.

Here we tell you what its properties are and how to prepare it at home with a very simple formula.

Therapeutic arnica cream to heal bruises

Bruises, bruises

Arnica is a plant recognized for its showy yellow flowers that, due to its properties, has been valued as a medicinal ingredient.

  • Its natural extracts contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that, externally, facilitate the treatment of some injuries suffered by the skin. Like for example bruises.
  • Improves the healing process of superficial wounds and, incidentally, reduces inflammation of tissues and muscles.
  • In the case of bruises, it helps to improve blood circulation, reducing bruising and pain.
  • Analgesic properties are attributed to it, which could reduce the sensitivity that occurs after suffering falls or trauma.
  • It has antibiotic properties that help protect the skin against pathogens that cause infections.
  • It works in a similar way to several commercial muscle relaxants, reducing stiffness, tears, and other similar problems.
  • Among other things, it is a remedy that fights acne, eczema, and various skin conditions.

How to prepare this therapeutic arnica cream?

Although the extracts of the arnica plant are used by the pharmaceutical industry to make creams and topical treatments, they can also be used in their natural state to make a homemade product.

In fact, these types of options are cheaper compared to conventional products and, in addition, their ingredients are easily purchased in herbal stores.


  • ½ cup of sweet almond oil (100 g)
  • ½ cup of dried arnica flowers (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax (30 g)
  • ¼ cup of shea butter (56 g)
  • ¼ cup of distilled water (62 ml)
  • ¼ teaspoon of borax (1.2 g)


  • Heat resistant container
  • Wooden spoon
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Manual shaker


  • First, pour the sweet almond oil into a heat-resistant container, and heat it in a bain-marie.
  • Next, add the arnica flowers, stir them with a wooden spoon, and lower the heat to cook them in the oil for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, let the product rest and, when it is warm, filter it with a cloth or mesh.
  • Take the arnica oil infusion and combine it with the beeswax and shea butter, heating them over low heat.
  • While this is melting, mix the borax with the water and heat it in another container.
  • Afterwards, when both products are hot, mix everything, being careful not to burn yourself.
  • Keep stirring with the wooden utensil, until everything is well integrated.
  • Wait for the mixture to sit at room temperature and, to finish, beat it to achieve a creamy consistency.
  • Store in a glass jar with a lid in a dark, dry place.

Application mode

Contusion (1)

  • Take the amount you consider necessary and apply it on the area affected by the bruise.
  • Massage gently, until the pain subsides.
  • Repeat its use every day.

Other considerations

  • This treatment should not be applied to open wounds, as some components could be aggressive.
  • If stored under recommended conditions, its shelf life certainly extends from 3 to 6 months.
  • Although it serves to calm pain and reduce bruising, it is always good to consult your doctor to verify that the injury is not serious.
  • Its effects can be a bit milder compared to other conventional ointments.

Let’s do it! If you do not have a product for bumps and bruises in your medicine cabinet, prepare this natural cream and keep it on hand for emergencies.

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