How To Protect Your Back And Pelvis During Pregnancy

Back and pelvic pain during pregnancy is a common thing that can be relieved by following some recommendations like the ones mentioned below.

You are pregnant? So, you have to know how to protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy. We know that this is a time of many emotions and joy. But it can be overshadowed by back pain, which is generally quite annoying for those who suffer from it.

During this stage you will notice that,  as your baby grows, your posture adapts to compensate for the weight . The arch of the lower back becomes more pronounced, which is necessary to protect your back and pelvis until birth.

The muscles of the back, lower abdomen and pelvis will be adjusted a little to give more stability to that area. All of this is natural in the body and occurs to maintain stability. And this is evidenced by this article published in the J AAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons .

Despite these changes, back pain is likely to remain or increase if you do not take certain measures to protect the area.

How to protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy

Here are some tips to help you protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy. Take note of all of them!

1. Practice yoga

How to protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy

The stretches that are done during a yoga session help increase strength and flexibility, making it an excellent alternative to protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy. On a study published in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine , ll Conducted in India, an hour-long yoga session a day was found to help:

  • The baby has a better weight at birth.
  • Labor is faster.
  • Hypertension is less frequent.

In case the above does not convince you, you have to remember that yoga also relaxes your muscles and helps you sleep better and faster. When practicing yoga, we recommend that you choose the postures with which you feel comfortable .

Although it is a practice with many benefits, it is never a good idea to strain your body more than necessary. In addition, it is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional before starting this activity.

2. Pay attention to your body posture

Another measure that helps protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy is maintaining the correct posture. You have to pay close attention to the way you stand and walk. Try to keep your buttocks in their normal position and keep your shoulders parallel to your ears.

Generally, pregnant women drop their shoulders and arch their back. This puts too much pressure on the spine and causes problems sleeping, so you should avoid it. When sitting down, it’s a good idea to prop your feet up on something high, like a bench or chair. In this way, you help prevent low back pain.

If your pregnancy is too advanced and raising your feet is difficult, try lying down with a small pillow or cushion behind your lower back. Also, n or spend a lot of time sitting: take breaks and take a walk.

3. Choose comfortable shoes

Choose comfortable shoes

Are you one of the women who love shoes? If so, many of your shoes may be great to look at, but completely painful or uncomfortable to wear. To protect your back and pelvis, try to wear high heels for a few months. Although heels can make your legs look spectacular, they also cause postural changes and malformations in the feet and toes.

If we add the above to an advanced pregnancy, you will get days of great pain and nights that are difficult to cope with. Even if only in the last three months of pregnancy, opt for shoes with a comfortable sole and small heels . Make sure they give you good stability when standing or walking.

4. Prenatal massages

If possible, you can hire a professional masseuse, as the massages prenatals are a good idea, as they can help reduce  pain and  protect your back and pelvis by relaxing the muscles in the area . If you decide to take one of these massages a week, you may be almost completely free of the discomfort.

When nerves remain inflamed, pain causes discomfort in much of the body. In some women, this discomfort generates a headache that can aggravate the symptoms. The massage will also help you to be calmer and to sleep better. However, make sure that the person in charge is properly qualified to treat pregnant women.

5. Swimming will help you protect your back and pelvis

How to protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy

Swimming is one of the best exercises for pregnant women, as it helps to eliminate all the tension that accumulates in the back. This happens because,  being in the water, gravity stops affecting your body and makes you feel very light .

In addition, according to this information from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, swimming is one of the safest ways to exercise while pregnant, as it is a low-impact exercise.

6. Wear a maternity belt or girdle to protect your back

When buying maternity clothes you have surely seen maternity belts. These are intended to help you support your belly, pelvic area, and lower back. This will prevent stress from building up.

The bigger your belly, the more difficult it will be to bear the weight, which is why they are particularly recommended for women pregnant with twins, with very large bellies or lumbar problems.

Thus, the weight is better distributed, since the girdle acts as a complement to the central abdominal muscles . Try to buy a good quality maternity belt to make sure you protect your back and pelvis properly.

On protecting your back and pelvis during pregnancy

In summary, it is important that you keep these simple tips in mind to protect your back and pelvis. They will surely help you make a difference and have a pregnancy without muscle or joint pain. However, if the pain does not subside, see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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